EPIC Consumer Privacy Project
EPIC has a particular interest in protecting consumer privacy and has played a leading role in developing the authority of the Federal Trade Commission to address emerging privacy issues and to safeguard the privacy rights of consumers. From its early days, EPIC has worked to ensure that the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and other agencies help protect the privacy of consumer and Internet users.
In a series of high-profile complaints brought in 2009 and 2010, with the support of other consumer privacy organizations, EPIC helped the FTC establish comprehensive privacy programs for Google and Facebook. EPIC’s complaint concerning Google Buzz provided the basis for the investigation and subsequent settlement in which the Commission found that “Google used deceptive tactics and violated its own privacy promises to consumers when it launched [Buzz].” The Commission’s settlement with Facebook also followed from a Complaint filed by EPIC and a coalition of consumer privacy organizations.
EPIC continues to write and publish complaints, comments, and letters to agencies and authorities on behalf of internet consumers. A list of EPIC's recent work follows. Media coverage of EPIC’s consumer privacy work is also below.
Top News
- EPIC, Coalition Urge FTC to Issue Rules Protecting Consumers Against Data Abuse and Discrimination:
Today, EPIC and a coalition of 44 consumer advocacy, civil rights, and media democracy groups urged the Federal Trade Commission to initiate a rulemaking to promote civil rights and protect against abusive data practices. “Companies use personal data to enable and even perpetuate discriminatory practices against people of color, women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, religious minorities, persons with disabilities, persons living on low income, immigrants and other marginalized groups,” the letter explains. The letter calls for a rulemaking that would address the collection, use, management, retention, and deletion of personal data. "This country faces a deepening crisis of data abuse and discrimination,” John Davisson, Senior Counsel at EPIC. “But the FTC has the power to set industry-wide rules that will rein in exploitative data practices and protect privacy and civil rights. We join the president and members of Congress in urging the FTC to use that power as soon as possible.” EPIC has frequently challenged the FTC over its failure to address consumer privacy harms, has filed a rulemaking petition with the FTC on commercial AI use, and has long advocated for the creation of a U.S. Data Protection Agency. EPIC also published a report on the FTC’s unused statutory authorities, What the FTC Could Be Doing (But Isn’t) to Protect Privacy, in June.
(Oct. 27, 2021) - EPIC Applauds FTC SpyFone Ban, Urges Similar Remedies in Future Privacy Cases: EPIC has filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission asking the agency to finalize a proposed Consent Order that would permanently ban SpyFone from the surveillance business and require the stalkerware company to delete the personal data that it stole. According to an FTC complaint, SpyFone sold surveillance tools that would allow purchasers to install software on another person’s device and surveil their victim surreptitiously. SpyFone also lied about its data security practices and its response to a 2018 data breach. Under a settlement announced by the FTC, SpyFone would be required to notify all affected users, delete any illegally collected personal information, and permanently refrain from selling, licensing, or marketing monitoring products in the future. In its comments, EPIC urged the FTC to finalize the proposed order and to impose similar requirements and bans in the future to protect consumer privacy. EPIC has frequently challenged the FTC over its failure to address consumer privacy harms and has long advocated for the creation of a U.S. Data Protection Agency. EPIC also published a report on the FTC’s unused statutory authorities, What the FTC Could Be Doing (But Isn't) to Protect Privacy, in June. (Oct. 8, 2021)
- Senators Call on FTC to Conduct Privacy Rulemaking +
- EPIC, Coalition to Senators: Reject Plan Requiring SSN Collection by Peer-to-Peer Payment Services +
- Senators Announce Probe into Facebook's Alleged Coverup of its Negative Influence on Children and Teens +
- House Committee Approves $1B to Create New Privacy Bureau at FTC +
- Ireland's Data Protection Commission Fines WhatsApp €225 million +
- Federal Trade Commission Refiles Facebook Antitrust Lawsuit +
- Poll: Nearly 8 in 10 Americans Support Creation of U.S. Data Protection Agency +
- House Passes the Consumer Protection and Recovery Act +
- President Biden Signs Executive Order Requiring More Scrutiny of Tech Mergers and Data Privacy +
- House Judiciary Considering Antitrust Reform Bills +
- BREAKING: Sen. Gillibrand Introduces U.S. Data Protection Agency Bill +
- EPIC Releases Report on FTC's Unused Statutory Authorities +
- Updated: Lina Khan Named Chair of Federal Trade Commission +
- D.C. Attorney General Files Antitrust Suit Against Amazon +
- Lawmakers Call on Facebook to Reverse WhatsApp Terms of Service Update +
- Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Support Online Data Protection Legislation +
- Supreme Court Limits FTC Authority to Recover Ill-Gotten Gains +
- FTC Announces New Rulemaking Group +
- California Bans "Dark Patterns" That Subvert CCPA's Opt-out Rights +
- Virginia Governor Signs Consumer Data Protection Act +
- FTC Commissioner Wilson Signals Openness to Data Privacy Rulemaking +
- FTC Orders Photo App to Delete Algorithms Built on Personal Data +
- Google Faces Two Additional Antitrust Suits +
- EPIC, Coalition Urge FTC to Address Privacy in Zoom Settlement +
- FTC Announces Investigation Into Privacy Practices of Major Tech Platforms +
- Bipartisan Internet of Things Security Bill Passes Congress +
- FTC Fails to Address Privacy in Settlement with Zoom +
- Department of Justice Files Antitrust Suit Against Google +
- Report on Trump Tax Records Reinforces EPIC's Calls for Presidential Tax Return Disclosure +
- EPIC to Senate Commerce: the U.S. Needs a Data Protection Agency +
- Senate Republicans Introduce Weak 'SAFE DATA Act' +
- IoT Security Bill Passed in House of Representatives +
- EPIC: "Regulators Failed and Google Turned The Internet Into a Surveillance Machine" +
- Schrems Files 101 Complaints Targeting US-EU Data Transfers +
- EPIC to Senate Commerce: Hold Hearing on Data Protection Agency Legislation +
- Lawmakers Request FTC Privacy Investigation Into Adtech Industry +
- Public Health Emergency Privacy Act Introduced +
- Groups Tell FTC to Investigate TikTok’s Failure to Protect Children’s Privacy +
- New York AG Reaches Agreement with Zoom over Privacy Violations +
- Senators Call on FTC to Investigate Ed Tech, Advertising Aimed at Children +
- Court Approves FTC-Facebook Deal, But Says Data Protection Laws Need Updating +
- EPIC Urges FTC to Investigate Zoom, Issue Best Practices for Online Conferencing +
- Senators Again Question White House Google Website Plan +
- Privacy International Tracks Privacy Impact of Response to COVID-19 +
- Senators Question White House Google Website Plan +
- FTC Publishes Privacy and Data Security Update +
- EPIC Files Complaint with FTC about Airbnb's Secret "Trustworthiness" Scores +
- BREAKING - Sen. Gillibrand Introduces U.S. Data Protection Agency Bill +
- FTC to Investigate Prior Big Tech Acquisitions +
- EPIC Seeks Regulation of AI, Petitions Federal Trade Commission +
- "A Big Victory for Privacy Groups" - Facebook Settlement +
- Supreme Court to Review Constitutionality of Federal Robocall Ban +
- Department of Transportation Releases Voluntary Guidelines for Driverless Vehicles +
- FTC May Block Facebook Integration of WhatsApp User Data +
- Court Seeks Amicus Briefs in FTC-Facebook Settlement +
- BREAKING: Court Orders FTC and Facebook to Reply to EPIC’s Brief +
- FTC Announces Non-Penalty in Cambridge Analytica Case +
- EPIC to Congress: FTC Must Consider Privacy, Block Google-Fitbit Deal +
- EPIC Files Complaint with FTC about Employment Screening Firm HireVue +
- Bill to Establish Data Protection Agency Introduced in Congress +
- EPIC to Oppose Google-Fitbit Deal +
- Ralph Nader, Color of Change Endorse US Data Protection Agency +
- EPIC to Congress: Consumers Must Be Protected in Merger Reviews +
- Senator Cantwell to FTC: Settlement Lets Facebook "Off the Hook" +
- EPIC to Congress: 29,000 Facebook Complaints Pending at FTC +
- EPIC Renews Call for Antitrust Agencies to Unwind Bad Mergers +
- EPIC Uncovers 3,156 More Facebook Complaints at FTC—Over 29,000 Now Pending +
- FTC YouTube Settlement Fails to Safeguard Children's Privacy +
- Gallup Poll: Americans Divided on Regulation for Big Tech Firms +
- EPIC Pursues Intervention in FTC Facebook Case +
- EPIC Comments on FTC Safeguards Rule +
- EPIC Challenges FTC-Facebook Settlement, Asks Court to Hear from Privacy Groups +
- EPIC Seeks Consumer Complaints about Facebook Pending Before FTC Prior to Settlement Agreement +
- FTC Opens Antitrust Investigation of Facebook +
- BREAKING - FTC Issues Facebook Fine, EPIC - "Too little, too late." +
- BREAKING - EPIC Seeks Public Release of FTC Settlement with Facebook +
- WSJ Reports that FTC Agrees to $5B Fine Against Facebook +
- EPIC Files Complaint with FTC about Zoom +
- EPIC FOIA - FTC Enforcement Director Participated in Over 100 Meetings About Facebook Post-Cambridge Analytica +
- EPIC to Lobby for US Privacy Agency +
- With Complaints Against Facebook Piling Up, FTC Goes After Small Businesses +
- As State AGs Gather at FTC Event, Still No Action on Facebook +
- EPIC Seeks Memos from FTC Enforcement Director About Inaction on Facebook Consent Order +
- New Report on the FTC's Big Tech Revolving Door Problem +
- EPIC to Congress: FTC Has Failed to Protect Privacy, New Data Protection Agency Urgently Needed +
- EPIC Advises Senate Commerce Committee on Federal Privacy Legislation +
- Facebook Anticipates $3B-$5B Fine +
- FTC Renews Spam Rule, Cites EPIC Comments +
- EPIC tells FTC, "Enforcement is a measure of success" +
- EPIC FOIA - FTC Confirms Number of Pending Facebook Complaints, Doubling Every Two Years +
- EPIC FOIA - FTC Confirms More than 25,000 Facebook Complaints are Pending +
- EPIC to House Oversight Committee: U.S. Data Protection Agency Needed to Protect Consumers +
- Senators Introduce Facial Recognition Privacy Act +
- Rep. Cicilline: FTC Must Investigate Facebook's Antitrust Violations +
- Press Conference: Facebook, Privacy, and the Consent Order (Capitol Hill, March 19) +
- EPIC Seeks from FTC All Consumer Complaints about Facebook +
- Senator Hawley Says FTC Approach to Big Tech is "Toothless" +
- Senator Blumenthal Calls on FTC to Unwind Big Tech Mergers +
- EPIC Launches #EnforceTheOrder, Urges FTC Action on Facebook +
- California AG Proposes Stronger Enforcement for State Privacy Law +
- FTC Announces Task Force on Competition in Tech +
- EPIC to FTC: After Home Spying Reports, Google Should Divest Nest +
- EPIC Joins Statement to Facebook, End Messenger for Kids +
- During Government Shut Down, Facebook Moves to Integrate WhatsApp User Data +
- EPIC, Open Markets, Civil Rights Groups Press FTC on Facebook Consent Order +
- Senators Urge FTC to Act Against Facebook +
- Consumer Organizations Announce New Framework for US Privacy Protection, Propose Privacy Agency +
- D.C. Attorney General Sues Facebook +
- Facebook Gave Personal Data to Third Parties Without Consent in Violation of FTC Consent Order +
- EPIC Urges Senate To Examine FTC's Failure to Enforce Facebook Consent Order, Unwind WhatsApp Deal +
- EPIC Comments on NTIA’s Consumer Privacy Framework +
- Federal Trade Commission Approves Settlement with Uber +
- Consumer and Privacy Organizations Propose Framework for U.S. Data Protection +
- EPIC, Consumer Groups Urge Senate Commerce to Invite Privacy Witnesses to Privacy Hearing +
- FTC to Explore Competition and Consumer Protection Issues at Hearings this Week +
- EPIC, Consumer Groups Advise FTC on Competition and Privacy +
- EPIC to FTC: Google's Location Tracking Violates Consent Order +
- EPIC, Consumer Groups Urge FTC to conclude Facebook Investigation +
- Following EPIC Comments, FTC Strengthens Safeguards for Kids' Data in Gaming Industry +
- EPIC Urges FTC To Step Up Privacy Shield Enforcement +
- Testimony on "The Internet of Cars" before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Nov. 18, 2015
- EPIC Letter to FTC re: "Always-On" Devices (July 10, 2015). EPIC urged the FTC and DOJ to investigate "Always-On" Consumer Devices that record and store private communications
- Online Tracking and Behavioral Profiling
- Privacy and Consumer Profiling
- Big Data and the Future of Privacy
- Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights
- Cookies
- Search Engine Privacy
- Cloud Computing
- Cross-Device Tracking, Dec. 16, 2015
- In re: Remedy Study ("Assessment of the FTC's Prior Actions on Merger Review and Consumer Privacy"), Mar. 17, 2015
- In re Google Referrer Header Litigation, Jul. 31, 2014
- In re Google, Inc., Feb. 22, 2013
- In re Compete, Inc. ("Consumer Tracking Settlement"), Nov. 19, 2012
- In re In Short: Advertising and Privacy Disclosures in a Digital World, July 11, 2012
- In re Advertising and Privacy Disclosures in a Digital World, May 11, 2012
- In re A Preliminary FTC Staff Report on "Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change: A Proposed Framework for Businesses and Policymakers", Feb 18, 2011
- In re Multistakeholder Process to Develop Consumer Data Privacy Codes of Conduct, Apr. 2, 2012
- In re Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy, Jan. 25, 2011
- In re Big Data and the Future of Privacy, Apr. 4, 2014
- Cookies & the DoubleClick Class Action Settlement
- Deep Packet Inspection & Privacy
- Digital Rights Management (DRM)
- Domain Name System (DNS) Security Extensions
- Electronic Numbering (ENUM)
- Microsoft Palladium: Next Generation Secure Computing Base
- Microsoft Passport
- Microsoft Passport Investigation Docket
- Project Liberty
- Re-identification
- SPAM - Unsolicited Commercial Email
- CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information)
- Deep Packet Inspection and Privacy
- NCTA v. FCC (concerning privacy of CPNI)
- US West v. FCC (concerning privacy of CPNI) (2000)
- Letter to the FCC urging rulemaking on communications privacy, Jan. 20, 2016
- Letter to FCC Chairwoman regarding Verizon's unlawful disclosure of customer proprietary network information to the NSA, June 11, 2013
- In re Privacy and Security of Information Stored on Mobile Communications Devices, July 13, 2012
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009, 2011
- In the Matter of Customer Proprietary Network Information, Apr. 14, 2006
- Fraley v. Facebook ("Sponsored Stories")
- EPIC v. FTC (Enforcement of the Google Consent Order)
- In re Snapchat, Jun. 9, 2014
- In re Myspace, LLC, June 8, 2012
- ACA International v. FCC (2015 TCPA Order Litigation)
- In re CAN-SPAM Act Rulemaking (Do Not E-Mail), Mar. 31, 2004
- In re Telemarketing Rulemaking, Apr. 10, 2002
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (on the implementation of the Junk Fax Prevention Act), Jan. 18, 2006
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (on the notice of proposed rulemaking and the petition for declaratory ruling on the TCPA), July 29, 2005
- Marc Rotenberg, Testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services, Hearing on “Examining the Current Data Security and Breach Notification Regulatory Regime” (February 14, 2018)
- Marc Rotenberg, Testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Hearing on Consumer Data Security and the Credit Bureaus (October 17, 2017)
- Testimony before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on "Protecting Seniors from Identity Theft: Is the Federal Government Doing Enough?", Oct. 7, 2015
- Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Financial Services and Subcommittee on Social Security Committee on Ways and Means, "SSNs and Identity Theft", Nov 8, 2011
- Testimony before the House Committee and Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection, "The Discussion Draft of H.R.____, A Bill to Require Greater Protection for Sensitive Consumer Data and Timely Notification in Case of Breach", June 15, 2011
- The Right to Financial Privacy Act
- The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Information on a 1999 federal law that establishes some protections against pretexting and limitations on data sharing for banks, insurance, and brokerage companies)
- IMS Health v. Sorrell (concerning the use of prescriber-identifiable data for targeted marketing)
- IMS Health v. Ayotte (concerning the use of prescriber-identifiable data for targeted marketing)
- FAA v. Cooper (concerning government disclosure of HIV status; emotional injury as harm under the Privacy Act)
- In re Human Subjects Research Protections, Jan. 6, 2016
- In re Human Subjects Research Protections, Oct. 26, 2011
- The Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and the Privacy of Your State Motor Vehicle Record
- Personal Surveillance Technologies
- Video Privacy Protection Act
- In re Nickelodeon Consumer Privacy Litigation
- Gun Owners' Privacy
- Theme Parks and Your Privacy
- The Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and the Privacy of Your State Motor Vehicle Record
- In re: Remedy Study (“Assessment of the FTC’s Prior Actions on Merger Review and Consumer Privacy”), Mar. 17, 2015
- In re Google Referrer Header Litigation, Jul. 31, 2014
- In re Snapchat, Jun. 9, 2014
- In the Matter of Apperian, Inc., et al. ("Safe Harbor comments"), Feb. 20, 2014
- In re Telemarketing Rulemaking, Apr. 10, 2002
- In the Matter of Microsoft Consent Order, Sept. 9, 2002
- In re Interagency Proposal to Consider Alternative Forms of Privacy Notices Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Mar. 29, 2004
- In re Email Authentication Summit, Sept. 28, 2004
- In re 2010 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Rule Review, July 9, 2010
- In re Google, Inc., May 2, 2011
- In re COPPA Rule Review, 16 CFR Part 312, Project No. P104503, Dec. 23, 2011
- In re Facebook, Inc., Dec. 27, 2011
- In re Face Facts: A Forum on Facial Recognition, Jan. 31, 2012
- In re Advertising and Privacy Disclosures in a Digital World, May 11, 2012
- In re Compete, Inc. (“Consumer Tracking Settlement”), Nov. 19, 2012
- In re Google, Inc., Feb. 22, 2013
- In re In Short: Advertising and Privacy Disclosures in a Digital World, July 11, 2012
- In re Myspace, LLC, June 8, 2012
- In re the Privacy and Security Implications of the Internet of Things, June 1, 2013
- Letter to FTC Chairwoman regarding the appointment of the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Mar. 19, 2013
- In re A Preliminary FTC Staff Report on "Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change: A Proposed Framework for Businesses and Policymakers", Feb 18, 2011
- In re Reed Elsevier, Inc. and Seisint, Inc. (jointly “LexisNexis”) Consent Order, Apr. 28, 2008
- In re CAN-SPAM Act Rulemaking (Do Not E-Mail), Mar. 31, 2004
- In re Public Workshop and Request for Public Comments and Participation, May 27, 2011
- In re DesignerWare, LLC et al., Oct. 25, 2012
- In re Inquiry Concerning High Speed Access to the Internet Over Cable and Other Facilities Proprietary Network Information, Internet Over Cable Declaratory Ruling, Appropriate Regulatory Treatment for Broadband Access to Internet Over Cable Facilities, June 18, 2002
- In re Digital Broadcast Copy Protection, Dec. 6, 2002
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, Dec. 9, 2002
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (on a petition for declaratory ruling filed by the Fax Ban Coalition), Jan. 13, 2006
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (on the implementation of the Junk Fax Prevention Act), Jan. 18, 2006
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (on the notice of proposed rulemaking and the petition for declaratory ruling on the TCPA), July 29, 2005
- In re Telecommunications Carriers' Use Of Customer Proprietary Network Information, Nov. 1, 2001
- In re Rules and Regulations Implementing the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009, 2011
- In re Privacy and Security of Information Stored on Mobile Communications Devices, July 13, 2012
- In the Matter of ACA International Petition for Expedited Clarification (exempting debt collectors from cell phone privacy rules), May 11, 2006
- In the Matter of Customer Proprietary Network Information, Apr. 14, 2006
- Letter to FCC Chairwoman regarding Verizon’s unlawful disclosure of customer proprietary network information to the NSA, June 11, 2013
- In re Consumer-Directed Promotion of Regulated Medical Products, October 11, 2005
- In re FACT Act Biometric Study in Identity Theft, Apr. 1, 2004
- In re Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice, Oct. 14, 2003
- In re Multistakeholder Process to Develop Consumer Data Privacy Codes of Conduct, Apr. 2, 2012
- In re Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy, Jan. 25, 2011
- In re Development and Implementation of Cross-border Privacy Rules in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC), 2006
- In re Digital Entertainment and Rights Management, July 17, 2002
- In re Barriers to Electronic Commerce, Mar. 17, 2000
In re Big Data and the Future of Privacy, Apr. 4, 2014
- Testimony before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, "Identity Theft and Data Broker Services", May 10, 2005
- Testimony before the House Committee and Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection, "H.R. 2221 the Data Accountability and Trust Act and H.R. 1319, the Informed P2P User Act", May 5, 2009
- Testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, June 21, 2011
- Testimony before the House Committee and Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection, "The Discussion Draft of H.R.____, A Bill to Require Greater Protection for Sensitive Consumer Data and Timely Notification in Case of Breach", June 15, 2011
- Testimony before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security, "Enhancing Social Security Number Privacy", June 15, 2004
- Testimony before the Senate Special Committee on Aging, "Identity Theft Involving Elderly Victims", July 18, 2002
- Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Financial Services and Subcommittee on Social Security Committee on Ways and Means, "SSNs and Identity Theft", Nov 8, 2011
- Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet Committee on Energy and Commerce, "H.R. 5126, the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2006", May 18, 2006
- Maryland Attorney General: In re Credit Freeze, Nov. 21, 2005
- California Public Utility Commission: In re Proposed Policies and Findings Pertaining to the EISA Standard Regarding Smart Grid and Customer Privacy, Mar. 9, 2010
- California Public Utility Commission: In re Proposed Policies and Findings Pertaining to the EISA Standard Regarding Smart Grid and Customer Privacy, Apr. 7, 2010
- California Public Utility Commission: Proposed Decision Adopting Requirements for Smart Grid Deployment Plans Pursuant to Senate Bill 17, June 10, 2010
- Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission: In re Telecommunications Rulemaking, July 8, 2002
- Consumer Measures Committee of Canada: In re Identity Theft, Sept. 15, 2005
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission: In re Proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules, Apr. 3, 2006
- European Parliament: Testimony before the Committee of the European Parliament on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs, European Parliament, "The Reform of the EU Data Protection Framework- Building Trust in a Digital and Global World", Oct. 10, 2012
- The European Commission: In re the Processing of Personal Data on Data Protection Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights, Mar. 31, 2005
- Bank reporting proposal could affect employees and account holders, KSWO, October 18, 2021
- Biden wants IRS to monitor people’s bank accounts more closely — will it catch tax cheats, or invade privacy?, Market Watch, October 12, 2021
- Jersey City Must Disclose Names and Addresses of Dog Owners, Jersey City Times, September 21, 2021
- From balancing crypto to building remote trust, here’s what mattered to CFOs this week, Fortune, September 2, 2021
- Priest outed via Grindr app highlights rampant data tracking, ABC News, July 23, 2021
- Court To Revisit 'Former Homosexual' Pastor's Claims Against Vimeo Over Takedowns, Media Post , July 16, 2021
- More Privacy, Please - July 2021, JD Supra, July 11, 2021
- Where is the consumer in consumer privacy legislation?, Law.com, June 26, 2021
- Supreme Court’s TransUnion Ruling Curbs Consumer Privacy Claims, Bloomberg , June 25, 2021
- CPRA Update: How to Prepare for Privacy Compliance as an Employer, JD Supra, June 21, 2021
- New Colorado Laws Aim to Protect Consumer Privacy, Pagos Daily Post, June 21, 2021
- Apple Defends Privacy Stance Amid Trump Probe Revelations, Manufacturing Net, June 14, 2021
- Apple reaffirms privacy stance amid Trump probe revelations, AP News, June 13, 2021
- Apple: Blindsided, Handcuffed By Trump Administration Demand For Swalwell Data, CBS, June 12, 2021
- Dating app users sought for biometric data privacy suit, Biometric Update, June 9, 2021
- SolarWinds’ budget impact, Politico, June 1, 2021
- Social Media Platforms Open The Kimono On Content Violations, Media Post , May 25, 2021
- Pomerantz Loses Bid To Replace Robbins Geller In Zoom Suit, Law360, April 13, 2021
- Pharmacies score customer data in vaccine effort. Some are crying foul, POLITICO, April 3, 2021
- In bed with Google: Sleep Sensing feature prompts privacy worries, CNET, March 31, 2021
- Can people sue companies that violate privacy & lie?, NJ Today, March 23, 2021
- Tesla's In-Car Cameras Raise Privacy Concerns, Consumer Reports, March 22, 2021
- Surveillance Camera Hack Raises Legal Risk of Digital Device Use, Bloomberg Law, March 15, 2021
- Privacy Violation Confers Standing, Group Argues in SCOTUS Brief, Bloomberg , March 10, 2021
- Schools Are Abandoning Invasive Proctoring Software After Student Backlash, VICE, February 26, 2021
- Child protection nonprofit alleges 'manipulative' upselling with math game Prodigy, NBC, February 19, 2021
- Why some like Apple’s new privacy labels, despite their flaws, Vox, February 19, 2021
- University will stop using controversial remote-testing software following student outcry, The Verge, January 29, 2021
- Linen Co. Pays $790K To End Ill. Hand Scan Privacy Suit, Law360, January 12, 2021
- Rise in student cheating during the Covid-19 pandemic, say universities, The Boar (University of Warwick), January 2, 2021
- Explained: Targeting Big Tech in US, EU, Indian Express, December 24, 2020
- 2,000 Parents Petition McGraw-Hill to Stop Using Remote Proctoring Tools, EdSurge, December 18, 2020
- Privacy Advocates Denounce FTC's 'Unacceptable' Settlement With Zoom, MediaPost, December 17, 2020
- D.C. Attorney General Urged to Probe Proctors’ Privacy Methods, Bloomberg Law, December 10, 2020
- A major privacy group filed a complaint against providers of online test proctoring tools with the D.C. attorney general, Washington Post Technology 202, December 10, 2020
- Privacy Group Asks for Investigation Into Software That Spies on Students, Vice, December 9, 2020
- EPIC files complaint against five online test-proctoring services, The Verge, December 9, 2020
- College Students Are Learning Hard Lessons About Anti-Cheating Software, Voice of San Diego, November 30, 2020
- FTC's Zoom Deal Signals New Data Security Plan Under Dems, Law360, November 25, 2020
- Column: Do you really want Amazon’s new drugstore knowing your medical condition?, Los Angeles Times, November 19, 2020
- How Private Is My Pay App?, The Markup, November 12, 2020
- How private is my pay app?, CNN, November 12, 2020
- A Rough Patch for Zoom, POLITICO Morning Tech, November 10, 2020
- Robbins Geller Nabs Lead In Zoom Shareholder Litigation, Law360, November 6, 2020
- Too Smart: 'Alexa' Can Now Act Without Commands, KTRH, September 30, 2020
- Public Interest in Tech Scrutiny From Presidential Candidates Has Grown Since Last Year, Morning Consult, September 23, 2020
- The last mile for TikTok-Oracle, POLITICO Morning Tech, September 21, 2020
- EPIC Intends to Litigate Against Both TikTok and Oracle, POLITICO Morning Cybersecurity, September 21, 2020
- Privacy group promises legal action if TikTok doesn’t protect user privacy, Daily Dot, September 21, 2020
- Google Hit With UK Privacy Suit Over Children's YouTube Data, Law360, September 14, 2020
- Cyberspace is critical infrastructure – it will take effective government oversight to make it safe, The Conversation, August 10, 2020
- Google Invests $450M In ADT For Smart Home Partnership, Law360, August 3, 2020
- Senator Brown Blazes a New Path to Privacy, National Law Review, June 25, 2020
- Ohio senator wants to shake up privacy regulations, Washington Examiner, June 25, 2020
- TikTok Accused of Breaching Child Privacy Regulations, IT News Africa , May 15, 2020
- Advocacy group says TikTok violated FTC consent decree and children's privacy rules, Yahoo, May 14, 2020
- TikTok accused of breaching US child privacy regulations, Financial Times, May 14, 2020
- Church Sues After Bible Class Zoombombed With Porn, Media Post, May 14, 2020
- Suit alleges firm soils reputations, then seeks money to improve them, mprnews.org, May 8, 2020
- Dating apps leak personal data, Norwegian group says, FOX 5 NY, April 16, 2020
- Advocates Worldwide Call to Protect Children from Edtech Exploitation, Common Dreams, April 16, 2020
- Privacy Group Urges Supreme Court To Intervene In LinkedIn Scraping Battle, Media Post, April 15, 2020
- Kids’ Apps Are Surging in Popularity During Quarantine, but Many Have Rocky Records on Privacy, Adweek, April 13, 2020
- Shareholders Sue Zoom Over Privacy, Hacking Concerns, Law360, April 9, 2020
- Zoom Rushes to Improve Privacy for Consumers Flooding Its Service, New York Times, April 9, 2020
- NYC Schools Drop Zoom As Privacy, Security Scrutiny Grows, Law360, April 7, 2020
- Covid-19: Pandemic data-sharing puts new pressure on privacy protections, The Star, April 6, 2020
- Zoom looks to reframe its narrative in the Beltway, POLITICO Morning Tech, April 6, 2020
- Gov Scrutiny of Zoom, POLITICO Morning Cybersecurity, April 6, 2020
- Zoom got popular during coronavirus. Now it’s facing scrutiny from advocacy groups, Daily Dot, April 6, 2020
- FTC Urged To Investigate Zoom Over Privacy, MediaPost, April 6, 2020
- Zoom è sotto inchiesta negli Usa per problemi di privacy, AGI, April 1, 2020
- They Were Opposed To Government Surveillance. Then The Coronavirus Pandemic Began., Buzzfeed News , March 30, 2020
- Ensure the public’s business remains transparent and accessible during COVID-19 emergency, Pen Bay Pilot, March 26, 2020
- Zoom is watching you. Here’s what you can do about it, Decrypt, March 23, 2020
- 7th Circ. Maintains Narrow Autodialer Ruling In AT&T Text Suit, Law360, March 20, 2020
- Attorney Launches Drone Legal Database, Dronelife, March 20, 2020
- Using Zoom? Here are the privacy issues you need to be aware of, Security Boulevard, March 20, 2020
- Government efforts to track virus through the phone raise privacy concerns, The Washington Post , March 19, 2020
- Washington's new tone: Help us, Silicon Valley, Politico, March 18, 2020
- Working From Home? Zoom Tells Your Boss If You're Not Paying Attention, Vice, March 16, 2020
- Airbnb ‘trustworthiness’ ratings lead to FTC complaint, POLITICO Pro, February 27, 2020
- Millions of Americans who have driver’s licenses still haven’t upgraded to a Real ID., Vox, February 25, 2020
- Many Tech Experts Say Digital Disruption Will Hurt Democracy, Pew Research Center, February 21, 2020
- Senator Calls for Creation of Federal Online Privacy Agency, BankInfo Security, February 14, 2020
- 4 Takeaways From Calif.'s Revised Consumer Privacy Regs, Law360, February 14, 2020
- Sen. Gillibrand Proposes Creating Agency To Enforce Privacy, Law360, February 14, 2020
- Gillibrand bill would create new data protection agency, FCW, February 14, 2020
- The Technology 202, Washington Post, February 14, 2020
- Gillibrand proposes creating new digital privacy agency, The Hill, February 13, 2020
- Kirsten Gillibrand outlines new Data Protection Agency to take on Big Tech, The Verge, February 13, 2020
- Kirsten Gillibrand's new bill would establish a US data protection agency, Protocol, February 13, 2020
- Gillibrand’s push for a new data protection agency, POLITICO Morning Tech, February 13, 2020
- Facebook Delivers Long-Awaited Trove of Data to Outside Researchers, Wall Street Journal, February 13, 2020
- A new senate bill would create a US data protection agency, TechCrunch, February 13, 2020
- Gillibrand calls for new federal agency to protect data privacy rights, Daily Dot, February 13, 2020
- Senate bill proposes a Data Protection Agency to secure your privacy, CNET, February 13, 2020
- China alone isn't to blame for Equifax hack. U.S. firms are also at fault , Los Angeles Times, February 10, 2020
- ICE Is Using Location Data From Games and Apps to Track and Arrest Immigrants, Report Says, VICE News, February 7, 2020
- Record Facebook Deal May Boost US Privacy Law Push, Law360, February 1, 2020
- Dating apps leak personal data, Norwegian group says, WPIX.com, February 1, 2020
- Consumer group claims dating apps leak personal data, CBS , January 31, 2020
- Facebook to Pay Millions for Allegedly Mishandling User Data (Again), Vanity Fair, January 30, 2020
- Many of the Major Dating Apps Are Leaking Personal Data to Advertisers, CPO Magazine, January 30, 2020
- FTC, Facebook Say $5B Privacy Deal Benefits Consumers, Law360, January 28, 2020
- FTC settlement requires 'sea change' for Facebook privacy, DOJ says, POLITICO Pro, January 24, 2020
- So far, under California’s new privacy law, firms are disclosing too little data — or far too much, Washington Post, January 21, 2020
- Top NJ Court Mines 5th Amendment for Password Privacy, Courthouse News, January 21, 2020
- NJ High Court Challenges Legality Of Forced IPhone Access, Law360, January 21, 2020
- Facebook still hasn't paid that $5B FTC fine, but what happens when it does?, Mashable, January 17, 2020
- Analysis of popular apps finds rampant sharing of personal data, SC Magazine, January 16, 2020
- Dating apps leak personal data, Norwegian group says, Lake Placid News, January 15, 2020
- Grindr Shares Location, Sexual Orientation Data, Study Shows, Bloomberg, January 14, 2020
- Apple refuses latest government iPhone-unlock request, ComputerWorld, January 14, 2020
- Dating apps leak personal data, Norwegian group says, Houston Chronicle, January 14, 2020
- Grindr Shares Location, Sexual Orientation Data, Study Shows, Yahoo Finance, January 14, 2020
- Grindr, Tinder and OkCupid apps share personal data, group finds, Los Angeles Times, January 14, 2020
- Dating apps like Tinder leak personal data, one data privacy group says, Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 14, 2020
- Dating Apps Leak Personal Data, European Group Says, CBS Boston WBZ, January 14, 2020
- Dating Apps, Ad Firms Accused of Illegally Leaking User Data, Law360, January 14, 2020
- Facebook's FTC Privacy Settlement Challenged in Court, BankInfoSecurity, January 10, 2020
- FTC Nearing Decision On Facebook Antitrust Probe, Law360, January 8, 2020
- Every Click You Make: Data Tracking, Consumer Privacy In The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism, Texas Public Radio, January 8, 2020
- I helped draft California’s new privacy law. Here’s why it doesn’t go far enough, Fast Company, January 3, 2020
- Brazil Fines Facebook Over Cambridge Analytica Data Sharing, Law360, January 3, 2020
- INTERVIEW: Mary Stone Ross, ksro.com, January 3, 2020
- New California privacy law lets people find out exactly what companies know about them, CBC / Radio Canada, January 2, 2020
- California's new privacy law puts you first. Too bad companies are ignoring it, CNET, January 2, 2020
- Cybersecurity & Privacy Cases To Watch in 2020, Law360, January 1, 2020
- Boston firms prep for California data privacy law, Boston Globe, December 31, 2019
- California Rings In The New Year With A New Data Privacy Law, NPR, December 30, 2019
- Calif. Vastly Expands Digital Privacy. Will People Use It?, New York Times, December 29, 2019
- Calif. vastly expands digital privacy. Will people use it?, Washington Post, December 29, 2019
- California vastly expands digital privacy rights, Fox40 (Sacramento, CA), December 29, 2019
- California Consumer Privacy Act may help take back your privacy and give you more rights over your data, USA TODAY, December 27, 2019
- Waymo is emerging as a new crime-fighting tool, East Valley Tribune, December 27, 2019
- New House privacy proposal would curb data collection by Google and Facebook, Chicago Tribune, December 21, 2019
- Google, Facebook Ad Models Under Fire in House Privacy Proposal, Bloomberg, December 20, 2019
- A look at the House’s draft privacy bill, POLITICO Morning Tech, December 19, 2019
- FTC Settles With Unroll.Me Over Privacy, Rejects EPIC's Request For Tougher Terms, MediaPost, December 17, 2019
- Consumer groups issue product warning for Amazon Ring after latest video hack, Vox, December 17, 2019
- Researchers criticize AI software that predicts emotions, Zawya, December 12, 2019
- Spotify Wrapped Is Creepy, Medium, December 12, 2019
- AI Software That Analyzes Human Emotions Criticized By Researchers, Mashable, December 12, 2019
- Google's Fitbit Deal Reportedly To Be Scrutinised By U.S. Antitrust Office, Gizmodo, December 12, 2019
- What if AI Was Made Incharge Of Recruitment?, AI Daily, December 12, 2019
- Calif. AG Facing Pressure To Revise Consumer Privacy Regs, LAW360, December 9, 2019
- Marc Rotenberg Discusses DNA Testing Kits & Privacy Concerns , CSPAN, December 7, 2019
- Don‘t Gift an Internet-Connected Toy This Holiday, Valliant News, December 6, 2019
- Your Smart TV Could Give Hackers a Window on Your World, TechNewsWorld, December 6, 2019
- Is It Finally Time for a National Bureau of Privacy?, Washingtonian, December 5, 2019
- Advocacy groups press FTC to subpoena tech firms during children's privacy review, The Hill, December 5, 2019
- Report: Privacy policy and competition, Brookings Institute, December 5, 2019
- EPIC Renews Push for a New Agency, POLITICO Morning Tech, December 4, 2019
- Twitter revamps policies to comply with privacy laws, The Hill, December 2, 2019
- They see you when you’re shopping, The Seattle Times, December 2, 2019
- Senate Republicans Push New Privacy Initiative, Wall Street Journal, December 2, 2019
- New US Federal Privacy Bill Proposed, Bank Info Security, November 28, 2019
- Contract for Web Can't Fix Privacy Problems if Security isn't Included, Decipher, November 27, 2019
- They See You When You’re Shopping, New York Times, November 26, 2019
- Senate Democrats unveil sweeping data privacy bill as bipartisan talks drag on, POLITICO Pro, November 26, 2019
- Online Privacy Bill Calls For Fines, Consumers’ Right To Sue, Law360, November 26, 2019
- Expert Says Senate Democrats' Sweeping Online Privacy Bill Answers Public Demand for 'Transformative Shift', Common Dreams, November 26, 2019
- Senate takes another stab at privacy law with proposed COPRA bill, Ars Technica, November 26, 2019
- Google runs into data fears over $2.1bn Fitbit deal, Financial Times, November 22, 2019
- Calls for Google’s $2.1bn Fitbit deal to be blocked over data fears, The Irish Times, November 22, 2019
- Privacy Advocates Fear Google Will Mine Fitbit’s Health Data, PYMNTS.com, November 22, 2019
- LinkedIn To Ask Supreme Court To Intervene In Scraping Battle With HiQ, Media Post, November 18, 2019
- Privacy Tip #216 – Another Caution about Biometric Data, The National Law Review, November 18, 2019
- FTC Investigation into HireVue Candidate Scoring Requested, National Law Review, November 15, 2019
- AI-Powered Hiring Practices Face Regulator Scrutiny, Associations Now, November 14, 2019
- Privacy Tip #216 – Another Caution about Biometric Data, JD Supra, November 14, 2019
- Top antitrust Dem presses DOJ, FTC on Google's Fitbit acquisition, The Hill, November 13, 2019
- Artificial Intelligence Poses New Threat to Equal Employment Opportunity, Forbes, November 12, 2019
- What Google’s access to health data means for Fitbit deal, POLITICO, November 12, 2019
- Study: Election tech suppliers need more regulation, POLITICO, November 12, 2019
- LinkedIn Must Allow Scraping By HiQ, Court Confirms, Media Post, November 12, 2019
- FTC Should Probe AI Screening Co. HireVue, Advocates Say, Law360, November 8, 2019
- Magid: It’s about time we had more control over our data, Mercury News, November 8, 2019
- Facebook’s political ads controversy spreads overseas, POLITICO, November 7, 2019
- Facebook not the 'truth police for the entire world', official says, Irish Examiner, November 7, 2019
- The Technology 202: Facebook won't get past the Cambridge Analytica scandal anytime soon, Washington Post, November 7, 2019
- Legislators from ten parliaments put the squeeze on Facebook, Yahoo Finance, November 7, 2019
- The AI hiring industry is under scrutiny—but it’ll be hard to fix, MIT Technology Review, November 7, 2019
- Democrats’ new online privacy bill heralded as chance to build ‘alternative road to a digital future’, Raw Story , November 6, 2019
- EPIC files federal complaint against AI-hiring firm HireVue, citing ‘unfair and deceptive’ practices, Washington Post, November 6, 2019
- Silicon Valley Dems Unveil Bill Creating US Privacy Agency, Law360, November 6, 2019
- Online Privacy Act Would Create Federal Privacy Agency, Decipher, November 6, 2019
- A face-scanning algorithm increasingly decides whether you deserve the job, Washington Post, November 6, 2019
- Silicon Valley lawmakers propose federal privacy agency, Mercury News, November 5, 2019
- Reps. Eshoo, Lofgren Introduce Bill to Create Digital Privacy Agency to Protect Users, Morning Consult, November 5, 2019
- Democrats' New Online Privacy Bill Heralded as Chance to Build 'Alternative Road to a Digital Future', Common Dreams, November 5, 2019
- Advocacy groups want feds to block Google's Fitbit acquisition, The Hill, November 4, 2019
- "Not Just a Business Deal, It's a Data Grab": Privacy Advocates Sound Alarm on Google's Acquisition of FitBit, Common Dreams, November 4, 2019
- Hillicon Valley: Critics press feds to block Google, Fitbit deal, The Hill, November 4, 2019
- The Government Protects Our Food and Cars. Why Not Our Data?, New York Times, November 2, 2019
- No trick: Wayfair creeps customers out with new service calls, Boston Globe, November 1, 2019
- Our Privacy Nightmare and What Can Be Done About It, Newsweek, October 25, 2019
- FTC Privacy Settlement Too Favorable To Facebook, Watchdogs Say, MediaPost, October 17, 2019
- $5B Facebook Deal Lets Gov't Grab User Data, Court Told, Law360, October 16, 2019
- 'Alexa, are you invading my privacy?' – the dark side of our voice assistants, The Guardian, October 9, 2019
- Silicon Valley and the state gird for war, Economist, October 3, 2019
- Read this blistering takedown of a rule that would let debt collectors blast you with text messages, Fast Company, October 3, 2019
- Facebook’s $5 Billion Privacy Settlement Argued Consumers Weren’t Harmed. Experts Think the Damage Was Incalculable, Fortune, October 2, 2019
- From Your Mouth to Your Screen, Transcribing Takes the Next Step, New York Times, October 2, 2019
- 'Unconstitutional, unlawful and unsupported': How Facebook initially tried to fight a multibillion-dollar U.S. fine, Washington Post, September 30, 2019
- Redo TCPA Standing Ruling, Consumer Groups Ask 11th Circ., Law360, September 30, 2019
- When LexisNexis Makes a Mistake, You Pay For It, Newsweek, September 27, 2019
- You Don’t Want Facebook Involved With Your Health Care, Slate, September 19, 2019
- The Facebook Portal Smart Speaker Is Back, Now With More AI, WIRED, September 18, 2019
- Senate Rules: Blackburn’s Closed-Door Sessions A-OK, POLITICO Morning Tech, September 13, 2019
- Where We're At on Privacy, POLITICO Morning Tech, September 9, 2019
- Google To Pay $170M Over YouTube Child Privacy Claims, Law360, September 5, 2019
- Google fined $170M for allegedly improper collection of kids’ data from YouTube channels, SC Magazine, September 5, 2019
- YouTube Fined $170 Million Over Children's Privacy Violations, MediaPost, September 4, 2019
- Fines Alone Aren't Enough to Slow Down Big Tech, WIRED, September 4, 2019
- YouTube Reportedly Will Pay More Than $150 Million to Settle FTC Allegations of COPPA Violations, Lexology, September 1, 2019
- Google to pay up to $200M to settle FTC YouTube investigation, POLITICO, August 30, 2019
- Google Deal's Setbacks Renew Doubts On Cy Pres Awards, Law360, August 30, 2019
- Reclaiming the rights to one's digital persona, Washington Times, August 20, 2019
- AT&T Urges 7th Circ. To Dump Appeal In Junk-Text Suit, Law360, August 16, 2019
- EPIC Steps Up Bid To Stop Facebook's $5B FTC Deal, Law360, August 14, 2019
- Facebook fumbles on privacy, again, POLITICO, August 14, 2019
- Facebook’s settlements with the Federal Government—Key takeaways for all companies to consider, Lexology, August 2, 2019
- Groups Seek Probe of Senate Task Force Meetings, POLITICO Morning Tech, August 2, 2019
- You'll Get Your Equifax Money. It Just Might Take a While, WIRED, August 1, 2019
- ‘Did someone forget to do the math?’ Consumers, advocates rail against lowered Equifax cash payouts, Washington Post, August 1, 2019
- EPIC challenges FTC-Facebook settlement, IAPP, July 31, 2019
- Facebook cares about its users’ privacy*, Think Progress, July 31, 2019
- Privacy group asks court to reconsider FTC’s $5 billion Facebook deal, Ars Technica, July 30, 2019
- What’s Next After Facebook’s Record $5 Billion Fine and Cambridge Analytica?, National Law Review, July 30, 2019
- To prevent data breaches like Capital One, Congress needs to act, CNN, July 30, 2019
- Facebook privacy deal with regulator under attack, The Times, July 28, 2019
- EPIC privacy group sues FTC for letting Facebook off easy, The Verge, July 26, 2019
- EPIC asks judge to hear from critics before approving $5B Facebook settlement, The Hill, July 26, 2019
- EPIC Files Legal Challenge to Facebook’s $5 Billion F.T.C. Settlement, New York Times, July 26, 2019
- Facebook Penalty Sends Message to Big Tech, WSJ, July 25, 2019
- 4 Takeaways From Facebook's Historic $5B Privacy Settlement, Law360, July 25, 2019
- Facebook Board to Tighten Oversight, as Zuckerberg Keeps Control, Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2019
- Critics Pan Facebook's Privacy Settlement, Forbes, July 25, 2019
- A $5 Billion Fine for Facebook Won’t Fix Privacy, New York Times (Editorial), July 25, 2019
- Facebook hit with $5-billion federal fine for privacy violations, Los Angeles Times, July 24, 2019
- Facebook Fined Record $5 Billion By FTC For Privacy Violations, HuffPost, July 24, 2019
- FTC fines Facebook $5 billion for privacy violations, adds oversight, PBS Newshour, July 24, 2019
- Facebook expected to settle with FTC today, paying $5bn over data handling and agreeing to new controls, Computing (UK), July 24, 2019
- Facebook Fined $5 Billion and Ordered to Add Oversight of Data Practices, New York Times, July 24, 2019
- US slaps $5 bn fine on Facebook, toughens privacy oversight, AFP, July 24, 2019
- FTC Fines Facebook $5 Billion Over Privacy Violations, CBS San Francisco, July 24, 2019
- Facebook to pay $5bn fine, but will privacy prevail?, Al Jazeera, July 24, 2019
- Facebook Settlement Criticized for Weak Privacy Protections, Consumer Reports, July 24, 2019
- There's Zero Chance Facebook's 'Historic' FTC Fine Prevents Future Abuse, Lawmakers and Privacy Advocates Say, Gizmodo, July 24, 2019
- This is what Facebook’s $5 billion fine means for your privacy, MarketWatch, July 24, 2019
- FTC fines Facebook $5B, adds limited oversight on privacy, Washington Post, July 24, 2019
- Facebook To Pay Record $5B FTC Fine For Privacy Breaches, Law360, July 24, 2019
- For Facebook’s Zuckerberg, FTC settlement could bring a new era of accountability, Washington Post, July 24, 2019
- Facebook FTC Deal Shows Need for Privacy Bill, Lawmakers Say, Bloomberg, July 24, 2019
- Today was Facebook's worst day ever, and it won’t make a difference, Engadget, July 24, 2019
- Facebook will have to pay a record-breaking fine for violating users’ privacy. But the FTC wanted more., The Washington Post, July 23, 2019
- Facebook Settlement Requires Mark Zuckerberg to Certify Privacy Protections, Wall Street Journal, July 23, 2019
- Google settled two multi-million dollar lawsuits this week, Daily Dot, July 23, 2019
- Facebook Settlement Expected to Mandate Privacy Committee, Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2019
- FTC Set to Unveil Terms of $5 Billion Facebook Settlement, Barron's, July 22, 2019
- Google agrees to pay $13 million in Street View privacy case, CNN, July 22, 2019
- Who should keep an eye on Silicon Valley?, POLITICO, July 21, 2019
- Advocates Press For Role Crafting Privacy Laws, MediaPost, July 19, 2019
- The New Ways Your Boss Is Spying on You, Wall Street Journal, July 19, 2019
- Think FaceApp Is Scary? Wait Till You Hear About Facebook, WIRED, July 18, 2019
- Column: If a $5-billion fine won’t shake Facebook, what can bring it to heel?, Los Angeles Times, July 18, 2019
- Facebook's $5B Fine Would Set Record But Not Quiet Critics, Law360, July 16, 2019
- Tell me more, tell me more, POLITICO Morning Tech, July 16, 2019
- Facebook to pay FTC $5bn fine over Cambridge Analytica, Computing, July 15, 2019
- Facebook's $5bn FTC penalty slammed as a 'tap on the wrist', The Inquirer, July 15, 2019
- FTC’s $5 Billion Fine Alone Won’t Get Facebook Out of Crosshairs, Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2019
- EPIC asks FTC To Investigate Zoom, Decipher, July 15, 2019
- FTC to fine Facebook about $5 billion for user-privacy violations, reports say, CBS News, July 15, 2019
- Zoom in closer, POLITICO Morning Tech, July 12, 2019
- FTC to fine Facebook $5 billion over privacy violations: report, Chicago Tribune, July 12, 2019
- Advocacy Groups Say AT&T TCPA Win Is Bad For Consumers, Law360, July 11, 2019
- Antitrust enforcers can think of privacy as a parameter of competition, CIO, July 9, 2019
- I tried and failed to quit Facebook. Here’s what I did instead, Fast Company, July 8, 2019
- Is Europe winning the argument on how to regulate big tech?, The Telegraph, July 6, 2019
- House Dems Call For Facebook To Put Libra Plans On Pause, Law360, July 3, 2019
- Consumer groups ask lawmakers to halt Facebook cryptocurrency project, The Hill, July 2, 2019
- DC Circ. Piles Onto Standing Split With Data Breach Ruling, Law360, June 29, 2019
- Congress, Courts Both Take on Robocalls, WND, June 28, 2019
- Lawmaker, Children's Advocates Push For Privacy Overhaul On YouTube, MediaPost, June 25, 2019
- Facebook's new cryptocurrency raises red flags for critics, The Hill, June 20, 2019
- Why 'we can't stop' with just making Facebook split up, Yahoo, June 18, 2019
- Pressure mounts on Facebook over Mark Zuckerberg's emails on privacy practices, ongoing FTC investigation, Fox News, June 15, 2019
- Ask the experts: Should the US have a data privacy law similar to GDPR?, Security Boulevard, June 11, 2019
- Facebook Can't Keep Data Transfer Row Out Of EU High Court, Law360, June 3, 2019
- How Silicon Valley gamed the world's toughest privacy rules, POLITICO, May 25, 2019
- How Silicon Valley gamed Europe’s privacy rules, POLITICO, May 22, 2019
- Hawley bill would allow people to opt out of data tracking, Chicago Tribune, May 22, 2019
- Structural Remedies In Spotlight In Facebook Privacy Probe, Law360, May 20, 2019
- Democrats Need to Tame the Facebook Monster They Helped Create, POLITICO Magazine, May 19, 2019
- The Technology 202: Silicon Valley pans White House bias tool as a gimmick, Washington Post, May 17, 2019
- Trump draws public into bias feud with social media firms, POLITICO, May 16, 2019
- White House Rolls Out ‘Tech Bias’ Complaint Form—and It Wants Your Email Address to Stay in Touch, Newsweek, May 16, 2019
- White House 'bias' website, POLITICO Morning Tech, May 16, 2019
- Democrats, watchdog groups cry foul on Trump’s social media 'bias' tipline, POLITICO, May 16, 2019
- Is Facebook becoming too big to exist? A co-founder thinks so, QRIUS, May 14, 2019
- Can Facebook be broken up? What you need to know, CNET, May 10, 2019
- Google's privacy push gets a mixed reception, WRAL.com, May 9, 2019
- Google's Privacy Promises Don't Sway Many Experts, U.S. News & World Report, May 8, 2019
- Experts Aren't Impressed With Google's New Privacy Tools, Time, May 8, 2019
- Google Announces New Privacy Tools, Drops Price of New Pixel Phone, Voice of America, May 8, 2019
- Increased privacy, 'incognito mode' on Google Maps, app restriction on Android Q: Sundar Pichai wants to give you more control , Economic Times, May 8, 2019
- Dems propose fining credit agencies for data breaches, The Hill, May 7, 2019
- Google unveils new privacy tools, smarter AI assistant, cheaper phones, MarketWatch, May 7, 2019
- Google promises better privacy tools, smarter AI assistant, Miami Herald, May 7, 2019
- Facebook's Privacy Practices May Get More Oversight, Consumer Reports, May 3, 2019
- The splintering internet means trouble for Facebook, Twitter, and Google, Yahoo Finance, May 3, 2019
- Facebook's FTC Settlement May Include Privacy Oversight, PC Magazine, May 2, 2019
- Facebook could get new privacy oversight and record-breaking fine in FTC deal, Fox News, May 2, 2019
- Facebook could create new privacy positions as part of FTC settlement, The Verge, May 2, 2019
- Mark Zuckerberg could become Facebook's 'designated compliance officer', Mashable, May 2, 2019
- Facebook Settlement With FTC To Include New Privacy Committee, MediaPost, May 2, 2019
- New privacy oversight on the table for Facebook, Zuckerberg, POLITICO Pro, May 1, 2019
- How to Take Back Control From Facebook, New York Times, April 30, 2019
- Privacy Advocates Urge Creation of Data Protection Agency, Decipher, April 30, 2019
- Facebook Unveils Redesign as It Tries to Move Past Privacy Scandals, New York Times, April 30, 2019
- A Record FTC Fine Won't Fix Facebook, Privacy Experts Say, Consumer Reports, April 26, 2019
- Why Facebook's 'biggest fine ever' is actually peanuts, The Week, April 26, 2019
- Facebook Takes $3 Billion Hit, Anticipating FTC Fine, BankInfo Security, April 26, 2019
- Regulators Around the World Are Circling Facebook, New York Times, April 26, 2019
- Facebook expects up to $5B FTC fine, POLITICO, April 25, 2019
- Facebook sets aside billions of dollars for a potential FTC fine, Washington Post, April 25, 2019
- She sold the Patriot Act to Congress. Her next job is defending Facebook, Washington Post, April 23, 2019
- This new US airport screening camera would see too much, Quartz, April 22, 2019
- FTC could hold Zuckerberg personally accountable for Facebook lapses, report says, Los Angeles Times, April 19, 2019
- Facebook Poised to Fight Disclosure of U.S. Privacy Assessments, Bloomberg, April 18, 2019
- Facebook Slips After Admitting Email Contact Upload in Latest Privacy Glitch, The Street, April 18, 2019
- FTC Hearings #12: The FTC’s Approach to Consumer Privacy Day 2, Disruptive Competition Project, April 16, 2019
- Amazon employees listen to customers through Echo products, report finds, USA TODAY, April 12, 2019
- FTC Urged To Scrutinize Google, Facebook, Other Platforms, MediaPost, April 12, 2019
- Congress to Zuckerberg: Facebook doesn't get to make the rules, Washington Examiner, April 5, 2019
- FTC has received 26,000 complaints about Facebook privacy violations since 2012, The Hill, April 4, 2019
- Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to visit Dublin headquarters, Irish Times, April 1, 2019
- Zuckerberg's Calls for Regulation Are Seen Missing the Mark, Bloomberg, April 1, 2019
- Yeah, you better, you... you better tell us how you're misusing people's data, privacy, watchdog suggests to US telcos, The Register, March 27, 2019
- 5G is speedy, but does it also raise the stakes on privacy, security, potential abuse?, USA TODAY, March 27, 2019
- What Twitter's Privacy Changes Mean for You, NBC Bay Area, March 19, 2019
- The Case for Investigating Facebook, New York Times (Opinion), March 19, 2019
- You can use tech to track your baby's every movement and milestone — but should you?, Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 18, 2019
- Congress wants 'Internet of Things' protected, WND, March 16, 2019
- How Google Influences the Conversation in Washington, WIRED, March 14, 2019
- Federal Privacy Rules Could Take Cue From Kids' Data Law, Law360, March 13, 2019
- Legislation May Be In The Works On Capitol Hill To Crack Down On Big Tech, NPR, March 12, 2019
- GOP Sen. Josh Hawley slams ‘toothless’ federal response to privacy abuses at Facebook and Google, Washington Post, March 11, 2019
- US-Regulator entscheidet über Strafausmaß für Facebook, Radio FM4 (Germany), March 11, 2019
- Senator Hawley Blasts Tech Companies Over Privacy Violations, MediaPost, March 11, 2019
- Elizabeth Warren's plan to regulate tech giants would force Facebook to break up with WhatsApp and Instagram, Business Insider, March 8, 2019
- In major shift, Facebook puts focus on users’ privacy, Boston Globe, March 7, 2019
- Facebook plans to tie itself together as regulators debate tearing it apart, The Verge, March 7, 2019
- A more private Facebook? Critics slam Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘PR masterpiece’, Mercury News, March 7, 2019
- Facebook's new vision: Cross-platform messaging between Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger, USA TODAY, March 6, 2019
- Facebook to link Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, CBS News, March 6, 2019
- Privacy advocates call for new agency to replace FTC, Washington Times, March 5, 2019
- Privacy Groups Take Their Turn, POLITICO Morning Tech, March 4, 2019
- US consumer regulator forms task force to monitor big tech, Business Times, February 28, 2019
- FTC’s New Task Force Could Be Trouble for Big Tech, Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2019
- Google Nest device sets alarm bells ringing, Verdict, February 28, 2019
- Facebook, Google in crosshairs of new FTC competition task force, Fox News, February 27, 2019
- FTC faces skeptics as it targets big tech, The Hill, February 27, 2019
- U.S. consumer regulator forms task force to monitor big tech, Reuters, February 26, 2019
- California wants Silicon Valley to pay you a data dividend, CNET, February 25, 2019
- FTC Urged To Make Google Spin Off Nest After Privacy Flap, Law360, February 22, 2019
- EPIC demand: It's time for Google to fly the Nest after 'forgetting' to mention home alarm hub has built-in mic, The Register, February 22, 2019
- Consumer Groups Livid Over Senate Hearing Snub, Politico, February 22, 2019
- EPIC is calling on the FTC to force Google to divest the Nest business after it failed to let consumers know about a hidden microphone, Business Insider, February 21, 2019
- Jeers & Cheers for Google, POLITICO Morning Tech, February 21, 2019
- Nest's Hidden Microphone Prompts EPIC to Call for FTC Action Against Google, Fortune, February 21, 2019
- Google Admits Your Nest Camera Has a Secret Microphone–Here’s How to Make Sure It’s Off, Real Simple, February 21, 2019
- Google forgot to mention that Nest Secure has a built-in microphone, PC Mag India, February 21, 2019
- Can Washington keep watch over Silicon Valley? The FTC’s Facebook probe is a high-stakes test, Washington Post, February 20, 2019
- Facebook Data Leak Negotiations Put FTC In Hot Seat, Law360, February 15, 2019
- Facebook may face multi-billion dollar fine for Cambridge Analytica scandal, Ars Technica, February 15, 2019
- The U.S. government and Facebook are negotiating a record, multibillion-dollar fine for the company’s privacy lapses, Washington Post, February 14, 2019
- Amazon Bought A Router Company You've Never Heard Of. Here Is Why It's A Huge Deal, BuzzFeed News, February 13, 2019
- FTC Retains Current CAN-SPAM Rules, MediaPost, February 13, 2019
- Advocacy groups demand civil rights protections in data privacy law, POLITICO, February 13, 2019
- Public Pressure to Break Up Facebook Intensifies, But Will It Work?, CPO Magazine, February 11, 2019
- EU Recalls Kids' Smartwatch Over Privacy, Hacking Fears, Law360, February 5, 2019
- Facebook now 'willing to cause actual harm to children', WND, February 3, 2019
- Facebook was misusing Apple platform to get data from kids, says expert, CNBC, January 31, 2019
- Facebook Under Fire For Duping Children, MediaPost, January 30, 2019
- Call for Facebook to be broken up and fined billions over privacy, Yahoo News UK, January 29, 2019
- The Technology 202: Facebook's messaging plans spark privacy, antitrust concerns around the world, Washington Post, January 29, 2019
- Facebook's Messenger Kids: Child advocates call for shutdown of app, CNET, January 29, 2019
- Facebook to tie together WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger, Naked Security, January 29, 2019
- Facebook Deserves $2B Privacy Fine, Advocacy Orgs Tell FTC, Law360, January 27, 2019
- Facebook's plan to merge its messaging services ignites further antitrust concerns, CNBC, January 27, 2019
- Groups call for FTC to break up Facebook, The Hill, January 25, 2019
- The Technology 202, Washington Post, January 25, 2019
- EPIC, Open Markets Institute and other groups urge FTC to break up Facebook, SC Magazine, January 25, 2019
- Zuckerberg Plans to Integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger, New York Times, January 25, 2019
- The Spy Inside Your Car, Fortune, January 24, 2019
- Privacy-Minded Advocacy Groups Urge FTC to Regulate, Fine, or Even Break up Facebook, Fortune, January 24, 2019
- FTC Urged to Break Up Facebook, WND, January 24, 2019
- Advocacy groups are pushing the FTC to break up Facebook, The Verge, January 24, 2019
- Record Google fine shakes up privacy fight, The Hill, January 23, 2019
- Advocacy Groups Urge FTC to Pursue Facebook Breakup, Wall Street Journal, January 23, 2019
- France fines Google nearly $57 million for first major violation of new European privacy regime, Washington Post, January 21, 2019
- Consumer Groups Want a New Government Agency Created to Protect Data Privacy, Mother Jones, January 19, 2019
- US Needs Baseline Privacy Rules, New Watchdog, Groups Say, Law360, January 18, 2019
- Is 2019 the year we stand up for protecting our privacy? Apple CEO Tim Cook says it's time, USA TODAY, January 18, 2019
- Will Americans pay companies to keep their data private? Here’s their answer, MarketWatch, January 18, 2019
- Is it time for a federal data protection agency?, Post Bulletin, January 18, 2019
- Privacy Advocates Urge FTC Reform, Call for New Legislation, Adweek, January 18, 2019
- Is it time for a federal data protection agency?, Mercury News, January 17, 2019
- Privacy Groups Propose New Government Data Protection Agency, Multichannel News, January 17, 2019
- Coalition Calls For New Data Protection Agency, POLITICO Morning Tech, January 17, 2019
- Updates to U.S. privacy laws are long overdue, Washington Post, January 10, 2019
- The 5 big sticking points for national privacy legislation, POLITICO Pro, January 2, 2019
- Watchdog group says Kayak, TripAdvisor travel apps send users’ data to Facebook, Boston Globe, January 1, 2019
- America Needs a Privacy Law, New York Times, December 25, 2018
- Data Privacy Concerns with Search Engines, CPO Magazine, December 25, 2018
- Why the F.T.C. Is Taking a New Look at Facebook Privacy, New York Times, December 22, 2018
- Is the FTC to Blame for Facebook Scandals?, Law.com, December 21, 2018
- After Latest Facebook Fiasco, Focus Falls on Federal Commission, Techonomy, December 21, 2018
- Smart Toys Under The Tree Raise Privacy Concerns, Law360, December 20, 2018
- Facebook gave tech companies 'intrusive' access to users' private messages and personal data, internal documents reveal, Fox News, December 19, 2018
- FTC Should Probe Google Play Store Over Kids' Privacy Violations, Watchdogs Say, MediaPost, December 19, 2018
- Momentum Builds for a National Privacy Law in the United States, Lexology, December 19, 2018
- Facebook photo API bug exposed users’ unpublished photos, Naked Security, December 18, 2018
- Fresh Off GDPR, Companies Puzzle Over Complying With California’s Privacy Law, Morning Consult, December 18, 2018
- As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants, New York Times, December 18, 2018
- Fight against 'Big Brother' surveillance toys gets serious, WND, December 17, 2018
- Facebook Looks to Track Future Movement, SUNNY 99.1, December 14, 2018
- Facebook says a new bug allowed apps to access private photos of up to 6.8 million users, Washington Post, December 14, 2018
- Don't Override State Privacy Laws, Watchdogs Tell Congress, MediaPost, December 14, 2018
- Facebook could face $1.6bn fine after security glitch exposes 7m users' photos, The Telegraph, December 14, 2018
- Facebook says photo access for up to 6.8 million users unintentionally shared; 'We're sorry this happened', ABC News, December 14, 2018
- Facebook dice que un virus permitió a apps acceder a las fotos de al menos 6.8 millones de usuarios de la red social, Univision, December 14, 2018
- Even If Your Personal Data Wasn’t Stolen in the Latest Breaches, You’re Probably Compromised, AdWeek, December 5, 2018
- Uber and FTC Arrive at Settlement: Extensive Monitoring, but no FTC Fines Ahead, National Law Review, December 1, 2018
- In the Wake of GDPR, Will the U.S. Embrace Data Privacy?, Fortune, November 29, 2018
- Spotify's Year-End Ads Highlight the Weird and Wonderful, WIRED, November 28, 2018
- Consumer groups want EU to go after Google for tracking users with their phones, BGR, November 28, 2018
- Late Payment? A ‘Kill Switch’ Can Strand You and Your Car, Stateline, November 27, 2018
- FTC Blasted Over Privacy Report, MediaPost, November 27, 2018
- Details still elusive on possible federal data privacy standard, FCW, November 27, 2018
- Amazon says it mistakenly shared customer emails and names due to technical error, Amazon, November 21, 2018
- NTIA Publishes Stakeholder Comments on Consumer Privacy Proposal, National Law Review, November 20, 2018
- Too ‘Bad To The Bone’ For A Facebook Facelift?, Chief Executive, November 20, 2018
- What the FTC really needs to deal with Facebook, IAPP, November 20, 2018
- Uber and FTC Arrive at Settlement: Extensive Monitoring, but no FTC Fines Ahead , Lexology, November 16, 2018
- Facebook Failed to Police How Its Partners Handled User Data, New York Times, November 12, 2018
- Federal Government Could Face 'Uphill Battle' in Appeal of OPM Data Breach Dismissals, Law.com, November 7, 2018
- Groups Ask FTC To Probe Children's Apps Over Ad Practices, Law360, October 31, 2018
- Uber Finalizes Privacy Settlement With FTC, MediaPost, October 29, 2018
- FTC Pushed to Investigate Marketing in Android Kids Apps, MultiChannel, October 29, 2018
- Take two ads twice a day – how smart devices mean there's always a doctor in the house, WARC, October 25, 2018
- This Thermometer Tells Your Temperature, Then Tells Firms Where to Advertise, New York Times, October 23, 2018
- Google+ Shuts Down Over Breach as Google Offers New Privacy Features, WIRED, October 9, 2018
- Google Discloses Privacy Security Flaw Kept Quiet Since March, Bloomberg, October 9, 2018
- Democracy and the Internet, New York Times, October 3, 2018
- 50 million Facebook accounts were exposed: What we know, what you can do, USA TODAY, September 30, 2018
- FTC Could've Prevented Facebook Data Breach, EPIC President Rotenberg Says, Bloomberg, September 28, 2018
- White House Seeks Input On New Approach To Privacy Rules, Law360, September 26, 2018
- Amazon, Apple, Google and other companies say they'd support privacy laws — with a caveat, Los Angeles Times, September 26, 2018
- What's Left for Congress to Ask Big Tech Firms? A Lot, WIRED, September 25, 2018
- Consumer Voices Needed in US Privacy Debate, Nader.org, September 24, 2018
- Just Don’t Call It Privacy, New York Times, September 22, 2018
- Google Admits That It Lets Outside Services Share Your Gmail Data, Fortune, September 21, 2018
- Don't Weaken Autodialing Rules, Consumer Groups Tell FCC, Law360, September 21, 2018
- Fight looms over national privacy law, The Hill, September 20, 2018
- Google Says It Continues to Allow Apps to Scan Data From Gmail Accounts, Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2018
- Consumer groups voice 'surprise and concern' over Senate privacy hearing snub, POLITICO, September 19, 2018
- Corporate Tech Giants Invited, But Consumer Advocacy Groups Shut Out of Senate Hearing on Data Privacy, Common Dreams, September 19, 2018
- House Lawmakers Want Answers on YouTube Data Collection, Bloomberg Law, September 18, 2018
- Microsoft Calls For Limits On Gov’t Access To Consumer Data, Law360, September 13, 2018
- Google Facing New Probe Over Location Tracking, MediaPost, September 11, 2018
- Google’s location privacy practices are under investigation in Arizona, Washington Post, September 11, 2018
- Opinion: The government has moved on from the Equifax breach, but you shouldn’t, MarketWatch, September 10, 2018
- It's Been a Year Since the Equifax Breach. Is Your Data Any Safer?, Consumer Reports, September 7, 2018
- Google Ties Into Mastercard Data; Amazon Looks to Snare Advertising, The New American, September 5, 2018
- Google quietly bought Mastercard credit and debit card records, Naked Security, September 4, 2018
- Google's now got your MasterCard sales records!, WND, September 3, 2018
- Yes, Google Is Tracking Your Behavior in the Real World, Too, Vanity Fair, August 31, 2018
- Bloke hurls sueball over Google's 'is it off yet?' location data slurping, The Register, August 22, 2018
- Class action filed against Google over location tracking, ABA Journal, August 22, 2018
- Before Using Birth Control Apps, Consider Your Privacy, WIRED, August 21, 2018
- Man sues over Google’s “Location History†fiasco, case could affect millions, Ars Technica, August 21, 2018
- Google Tracks Users After It's Told To Stop, Consumer Says, Law360, August 21, 2018
- A Lawsuit Over Google's Sneaky Location Tracking Could Be a Game-Changer, Gizmodo, August 21, 2018
- Google’s creepy location-tracking policy just landed the company a brand-new lawsuit, BGR, August 21, 2018
- A Lawsuit Against Google For Sneaky Location Tracking Impacts All of us, New18, August 21, 2018
- The Cybersecurity 202: Google's location tracking could bring scrutiny from Congress, regulators, Washington Post, August 20, 2018
- Facebook, Google Could Be Wild Cards In Privacy Law Fight, Law360, August 18, 2018
- EPIC tells FTC Google tracking violated 2011 order, ABC News, August 18, 2018
- EPIC Urges FTC To Fine Facebook Amid EU Data Row, Law360, August 17, 2018
- FTC's Facebook Finish Line, Politico Morning Tech, August 16, 2018
- Facebook Fights Users' Attempt To Revive Suit Over Tracking, MediaPost, August 1, 2018
- The Trump administration is talking to Facebook and Google about potential rules for online privacy, Washington Post, July 27, 2018
- FTC Under the Microscope, POLITICO Morning Tech, July 18, 2018
- Zelle Catches A Growth Wave, Threatening Venmo, PYMNTS.com, July 18, 2018
- State AGs, ABA Press High Court Over Google Privacy Deal, Law360, July 18, 2018
- U.S. Google critics ask EU to 'speed up and broaden' antitrust probe, POLITICO, July 18, 2018
- Don’t Expect Big Changes from Europe’s Record Google Fine, WIRED, July 18, 2018
- Venmo: how the payment app exposes our private lives, The Guardian, July 17, 2018
- Two Senators Call for Investigation of Smart TV Industry, New York Times, July 13, 2018
- FTC Urged To Stop Facebook From Sharing Data With Researchers, MediaPost, July 13, 2018
- Walmart patents audio surveillance technology to record customers and employees, CBS News, July 13, 2018
- Government-data watchdog slaps Facebook on wrist, WND, July 12, 2018
- Facebook faces allegations of privacy violations and manipulating consent for facial recognition, BiometricUpdate, July 12, 2018
- Google leans more on algorithms for ads as critics highlight risks, Reuters, July 11, 2018
- Facebook Is Still Abusing Your Privacy, New Republic, July 11, 2018
- Google's Gmail controversy is everything people hate about Silicon Valley, CNET, July 3, 2018
- CA Gov. Jerry Brown signs law to give consumers broad privacy rights, CNET, June 29, 2018
- Home Personal Finance Facebook, Google privacy settings trick consumers into giving up data, consumer groups allege, MarketWatch, June 29, 2018
- Facebook and Google accused of using ‘dark patterns’ to manipulate users, Mashable, June 29, 2018
- Personal Information of 340 Million People and Businesses Leaked By Florida Marketing Firm, Gizmodo, June 28, 2018
- Data-broker leak exposes 340 million personal records, Engadget, June 28, 2018
- Marketing Firm Exactis Leaked a Personal Info Database With 340 Million Records, WIRED, June 28, 2018
- Exactis Exposes Non-Financial Data On Close To 340M Americans, PYMTS.com, June 28, 2018
- Google And Facebook Push Users To Cede Privacy, Advocates Say, MediaPost, June 28, 2018
- Consumer groups urge FTC to probe Google, Facebook data-consent tactics, The Hill, June 28, 2018
- 'Deceived by Design:' Google and Facebook Accused of Manipulating Users Into Giving Up Their Data, Fortune, June 27, 2018
- Today's internet not 'sustainable,' experts warn, WND, June 18, 2018
- How AT+T’s Time Warner Win Will Affect Data Privacy, National Journal, June 14, 2018
- FTC Head Promises 'Vigorous' Protection Of Consumer Data, Law360, June 7, 2018
- Apple will let you know when Facebook is snooping on you, USA TODAY, June 5, 2018
- Facebook Privacy (audio), KPFA/The Ralph Nader Radio Hour, June 5, 2018
- Most U.S. Adults in Poll Unwilling to Share Personal Data for Ads to Keep a Service Free, Morning Consult, May 25, 2018
- Your Home is Your...Snitch?, The Marshall Project, May 25, 2018
- Facebook’s Zuckerberg due to face new test in front of European lawmakers, Washington Post, May 22, 2018
- Now India charges Google is biased, WND, May 21, 2018
- US lawmakers discuss biometrics as option for Social Security Number, Financial Express, May 19, 2018
- House panel looks at ditching the SSN, FCW, May 18, 2018
- Cheers for Simons, POLITICO Morning Tech, May 18, 2018
- Advocates Question Facebook's Latest Effort To Protect Data, NPR, May 15, 2018
- Facebook Co-Founder: ‘Self-Regulation Alone is Concerning’, Techonomy, May 11, 2018
- Regulating Privacy, New York Times, May 7, 2018
- Ireland sending Facebook privacy fight to European Union court, WND, May 6, 2018
- The agency in charge of policing Facebook and Google is 103 years old. Can it modernize?, Washington Post, May 4, 2018
- The Facebook-WhatsApp Lesson: Privacy Protection Necessary for Innovation, Techonomy, May 4, 2018
- EPIC wants unredacted privacy assessments from Facebook, Compliance Week, April 26, 2018
- Amid Privacy Changes, Facebook Will Still Treat U.S. Teens as Adults, Education Week, April 26, 2018
- An EPIC Lawsuit, The Hill, April 24, 2018
- Digital counter surveillance for all audiences, La Vanguardia (Spain), April 24, 2018
- 'Facebook's privacy controls are sufficient, "said audit in 2017, Estadao Link, April 24, 2018
- Facebook’s hand-picked watchdogs gave it high marks for privacy even as the tech giant lost control of users’ data, Washington Post, April 24, 2018
- Senator Wants Fines, Tighter Leash On Facebook By FTC, Law360, April 23, 2018
- EPIC Sues FTC Over Facebook's Privacy Audits, POLITICO Morning Tech, April 23, 2018
- Facebook privacy audit by auditors finds everything is awesome!, The Register, April 21, 2018
- FTC-mandated audit cleared Facebook's privacy policies in 2017, Engadget, April 20, 2018
- Audit Cleared Facebook’s Privacy Practices Despite Cambridge Analytica Leak, Wall Street Journal, April 20, 2018
- https://www.wired.com/story/facebooks-2017-privacy-audit-didnt-catch-cambridge-analytica/, WIRED, April 19, 2018
- Audit Approved of Facebook Policies, Even After Cambridge Analytica Leak, New York Times, April 19, 2018
- Facebook Received Positive Audit, Despite Cambridge Analytica Data Transfers, MediaPost, April 19, 2018
- Will the FTC come down hard on Facebook? It's only happened twice in 20 years, USA TODAY, April 18, 2018
- Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Empowers Citizen Action, Government Accountability Project, April 18, 2018
- Facebook to face class action suit on facial recognition, NY Daily News, April 17, 2018
- Facebook gives more details on how it tracks non-users, USA TODAY, April 17, 2018
- Now Facebook confronted by overseas data-privacy fight, WND, April 14, 2018
- Here's what the Facebook crisis means for AT&T and Time Warner, Dallas News, April 13, 2018
- Facebook Isn't Out of the Woods Yet, The Street, April 13, 2018
- How Facebook can have your data even if you're not on Facebook, USA TODAY, April 13, 2018
- Why Facebook's 2011 Promises Haven't Protected Users, WIRED, April 12, 2018
- After Facebook hearings, users want to know: who's protecting my data?, USA TODAY, April 12, 2018
- Facebook in crisis: Mark Zuckerberg's testimony reveals massive problems remain, Fox News, April 12, 2018
- Transcript of Zuckerberg’s appearance before House committee, Washington Post, April 12, 2018
- Fact-checking Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's congressional testimony, Polifact, April 12, 2018
- Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy Shell Game, WIRED, April 11, 2018
- Facebook stock jumps higher as Mark Zuckerberg testifies, CBS, April 11, 2018
- It would have taken more than privacy laws to prevent the Cambridge Analytica scandal, The Hill, April 11, 2018
- Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and Grindr: Frank Pasquale Talks About Big Data and HIV Disclosure, TheBody.com, April 11, 2018
- What You Don’t Know About How Facebook Uses Your Data, New York Times, April 11, 2018
- Facebook’s Days as an Unregulated Monopoly May Be Numbered, Wall Street Journal, April 11, 2018
- What we learned from Zuckerberg’s testimony, and what we still don’t know, PBS Newshour, April 11, 2018
- Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: Is the genie out of the bottle?, ZDNet, April 11, 2018
- 4 Things To Watch As Facebook CEO Heads To Congress, Law360, April 10, 2018
- What to do if Facebook says your info was used by Cambridge Analytica, USA TODAY, April 10, 2018
- 9 questions Congress should ask Mark Zuckerberg, Vox, April 10, 2018
- Facebook's Zuckerberg to testify over data breach, Al Jazeera, April 10, 2018
- Brenda Lee Zuckerberg Is Sorry, Chief Executive, April 10, 2018
- Today’s question for Facebook will be ‘what happens next?’: EPIC President, CNBC, April 10, 2018
- As Zuckerberg Prepares to Testify, Questions Grow Over How to Protect Data, Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2018
- YouTube Illegally Tracks Data on Kids, Groups Claim in FTC Complaint, Variety, April 9, 2018
- YouTube accused of collecting information on minors, RTE (Ireland), April 9, 2018
- 5 Facebook facepalms (just last week), Naked Security, April 9, 2018
- Privacy Groups Push FTC to Probe Facebook on Facial Recognition, PC Magazine, April 7, 2018
- Facebook's Face Scanning Violates Privacy Pact, FTC Told, Law360, April 7, 2018
- Consumer Groups Want Facebook Investigated by FTC, WND, April 7, 2018
- Facebook's facial recognition violates user privacy, watchdog groups plan to tell FTC, USA TODAY, April 6, 2018
- If Facebook gets regulated, thank vegans, Quartz, April 6, 2018
- And the Hits Keep Coming, POLITICO Pro, April 6, 2018
- Facebook’s Facial Recognition Feature Violates Users’ Privacy Rights, Groups Allege, Wall Street Journal, April 6, 2018
- Facebook faces fresh facial recognition complaint , Financial Times, April 6, 2018
- EPIC files complaint against Facebook’s ‘Tag Suggestion’ feature, Hotpress, April 6, 2018
- Facebook And Online Privacy , Diane Rehm Show, April 6, 2018
- Consumer Groups: Facebook's Facial Recognition Violates Privacy Rights, Voice of America, April 6, 2018
- Consumer groups to approach FTC over Facebook's facial recognition, Reuters, April 6, 2018
- Consumer Groups to Approach FTC Over Facebook's Facial Recognition, U.S. News & World Report, April 6, 2018
- Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg to hold talks with top EU data official, Financial Times, April 6, 2018
- Consumer Groups Allege Facebook’s Facial-Recognition Feature Violates Privacy Law, National Review, April 6, 2018
- Facebook faces mounting scrutiny, IAPP, April 6, 2018
- Unknown Tech Brands Aren’t Like Groceries. Don’t Just Grab Them., New York Times, April 5, 2018
- AccuWeather 'Deceptively' Tracks App Users, Suit Says, AccuWeather, April 5, 2018
- Facebook broadens estimate of data misuse to 87 million people, including more than 600,000 Canadians, The Globe and Mail, April 5, 2018
- Dating app Grindr faces fury for sharing HIV data, Phys.org, April 4, 2018
- Is This European Law Behind Facebook's Privacy Shift, Newsweek, April 2, 2018
- Hey Alexa, can you keep a secret from snooping big tech? , Economic Times, April 2, 2018
- What your smart devices are listening for, Axios, April 2, 2018
- Facebook Faces Calls to Further Protect User Privacy, Voice of America, April 2, 2018
- Hey, Alexa, What Can You Hear? And What Will You Do With It?, New York Times, April 1, 2018
- Facing outcry over data breach, Facebook again overhauls privacy settings, Yahoo News, March 30, 2018
- Facebook limits ad targeting after Cambridge Analytica data leak, USA TODAY, March 30, 2018
- Facebook again overhauls privacy settings after outcry over data breach, RawStory, March 30, 2018
- Tim Cook Blasts Facebook & Google, Calls For Government Regulation, CleanTechnica, March 30, 2018
- Facebook Changing Privacy Controls As Criticism Escalates, Daily Democrat Press, March 30, 2018
- Data Privacy Concerns with Google, Hacker Noon, March 30, 2018
- Facebook under fire, but it’s just part of ‘surveillance economy’, Christian Science Monitor, March 29, 2018
- Consumer, privacy groups urge Zuckerberg to hire Jimmy Carter as election monitor, The Hill, March 29, 2018
- Amidst data breach scandal, Facebook revamps privacy tools and settings to give users greater control, The Economic Times, March 29, 2018
- Privacy groups hit at Facebook, POLITICO, March 28, 2018
- Facebook Phone-Scraping Takes Users by Surprise, ECT News Network, March 27, 2018
- Facebook’s current woes exacerbated by six-year-old FTC settlement, MarketWatch, March 27, 2018
- Cambridge Analytica whistleblower testifies, CBS This Morning, March 27, 2018
- Special Report With Bret Baier, Fox News, March 27, 2018
- Behind Facebook's baby step fixes: Defending its ad business, Associated Press, March 26, 2018
- FTC opens probe into Facebook privacy practices , Financial Times, March 26, 2018
- Facebook had a closer relationship than it disclosed with the academic it called a liar, The Washington Post, March 23, 2018
- Behind Facebook's Baby Step Fixes: Defending Its Ad Business, US News & World Report, March 23, 2018
- Lawmakers Ask Zuckerberg To Testify About Data Misuse, Law360, March 23, 2018
- Facebook-Cambridge Analytica shows the need for a new privacy law, Business Insider, March 22, 2018
- Facebook feels the pressure over data leak, Irish Examiner, March 22, 2018
- Facebook’s latest data breach reveals Silicon Valley’s fortunes are built on pilfering privacy, Salon, March 22, 2018
- What you can do to protect your personal data on Facebook, PBS Newshour, March 22, 2018
- Facebook Swelters in Cambridge Analytica Heat, E-Commerce Times, March 22, 2018
- How the FTC Could Have Avoided the Facebook Mess, Techonomy, March 22, 2018
- Facebook Crisis Reignites Washington’s Scrutiny of Social Networks, Bloomberg BNA, March 21, 2018
- Facebook data scandal: the legal questions, Financial Times, March 21, 2018
- Privacy groups put pressure on FTC's Facebook probe, POLITICO Pro, March 21, 2018
- Three Questions: Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld on the Crisis at Facebook, Yale Insights, March 21, 2018
- Facebook Owes You More Than This, WIRED, March 20, 2018
- Can Facebook be trusted with your personal info? Voter harvesting scheme shows perils for users, USA TODAY, March 20, 2018
- Facebook’s rules for accessing user data lured more than just Cambridge Analytica, Washington Post, March 20, 2018
- Facebook Leaves Its Users’ Privacy Vulnerable, New York Times (Editorial), March 20, 2018
- Facebook facing federal investigation over Cambridge Analytica data scandal, CBS News, March 20, 2018
- As data misuse scandal grows, Facebook investigated by FTC, meets with lawmakers, USA TODAY, March 20, 2018
- The Latest: Cambridge Analytica whistleblower regrets work, San Francisco Chronicle, March 20, 2018
- US, European officials question Facebook's protection of personal data, Washington Post, March 19, 2018
- Data leak puts Facebook under intensifying scrutiny on two continents, Seattle Times, March 19, 2018
- Cambridge Analytica Breach Reveals Facebook’s Weak User Data Defenses, eWeek, March 19, 2018
- Facebook says you 'own' all the data you post. Not even close, say privacy experts, Los Angeles Times, March 19, 2018
- Officials: Facebook may have violated FTC privacy deal, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, March 18, 2018
- 3 Online Policy Areas That Need Some Valentine's Day Love, Law360, February 14, 2018
- Strava Map Fallout: How Much do you Know About Your Fitness App's Tracking?, USA Today, January 29, 2018
- Here's What You Can do to Stop Big Tech From Manipulating You Online, The Hill, January 22, 2018
- The Wildly Popular Christmas Game That Got Mistaken for Spyware, Motherboard, December 26, 2017
- Tagged or not, you will now know when your image is used on Facebook, Daily Democrat, December 22, 2017
- Don't Get Your Kid an Internet-Connected Toy, WIRED, December 20, 2017
- Facebook Is The Enemy Now, Huffington Post, December 20, 2017
- Facebook will now notify you when your photo is uploaded but untagged, Mercury News, December 20, 2017
- Facebook wants your face data — in the name of privacy, it says, Washington Post, December 19, 2017
- French Regulator Warns Toymaker To Address Privacy Risks, Law360, December 7, 2017
- The Internet of Toys: Legal and Privacy Issues with Connected Toys, Lexology, December 6, 2017
- Privacy vs Lower Car Insurance Prices, WFMY (North Carolina), December 6, 2017
- Facebook launches messaging app for kids as young as six, Financial Times, December 4, 2017
- Creepy Cayla doll violates liberté publique, screams French data protection agency, The Register, December 4, 2017
- Uber: We covered up massive hack, Boston Herald, November 22, 2017
- Internet-connected toys might invade children's privacy, Illinois consumer group warns, Chicago Tribune, November 21, 2017
- The White House and Equifax Agree: Social Security Numbers Should Go, Bloomberg, October 4, 2017
- 22 million Americans out of luck! Judge says feds immune in massive data breach, WND, September 22, 2017
- Uber pushes privacy for iOS users with location access only when app is in use, Medianame, September 22, 2017
- Your Social Security number may not be secure. But how could we replace it?, Washington Post, September 21, 2017
- DOT secretary makes self-driving car privacy a footnote, WFMZ, September 21, 2017
- Why does your identity depend on one number? Security experts push to replace SSN, Denver Post, September 15, 2017
- Why do companies wait so long to tell us we've been hacked?, NPR Marketplace, September 12, 2017
- Self-Driving Car Riders’ Privacy ‘Unsafe at Any Speed’ in New House Legislation, Observer, September 9, 2017
- The Equifax Breach Exposes America's Identity Crisis, WIRED, September 9, 2017
- Uber To End Post-Trip Tracking Of Users In Privacy Push, Law360, August 30, 2017
- Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant, New York Times, August 30, 2017
- Uber says it'll stop tracking riders after they're dropped off, LA Times, August 29, 2017
- Uber Ends Its Controversial Post-Ride Tracking Of Users' Location, NPR, August 29, 2017
- Dear iPhone: Here’s Why We’re Still Together After 10 Years, New York Times, August 23, 2017
- FTC’s Deal With Uber Shows It Won’t Let Up On Data Security, Law360, August 19, 2017
- Who will own the data from your autonomous car?, Naked Security, August 16, 2017
- Does Google own the digital you?, American Enterprise Institute, August 10, 2017
- FTC Asked to Investigate Google’s Matching of “Bricks to Clicksâ€, National Law Review, August 8, 2017
- Feds warned Google now tracking in-store purchases, World Net Daily, August 7, 2017
- EPIC Claims Google Violates Consumer Privacy in FTC Complaint , TechNewsWorld, August 2, 2017
- Editorial: Privacy concerns grow as Google tracks us offline, San Francisco Chronicle, August 2, 2017
- Google asked to explain how it tracks what you buy in stores, CNET, August 2, 2017
- Google Is Matching Your Offline Buying With Its Online Ads, But It Isn’t Sharing How, Slate, August 2, 2017
- Dems won’t re-file lawsuit, but still want Idaho voter data withheld from Trump panel, The Spokesman-Review (Idaho), August 2, 2017
- EPIC Says Google Shopper Tracking Program Violates Privacy, Law360, August 1, 2017
- Google’s Tracking Of Offline Spending Sparks Call For Federal Investigation, Consumerist, August 1, 2017
- EPIC Files Complaint Over Google Tracking In-Person Purchases, NPR, August 1, 2017
- Google’s new scheme to connect online to offline shopping scrutinized, Ars Technica, August 1, 2017
- Google told to come clean on how it tracks what you buy offline, ZDNet, July 31, 2017
- EPIC Wants FTC To Probe Google's In-Store Tracking Program, MediaPost, July 31, 2017
- EPIC asks FTC to investigate Google's offline shopping tracker, The Hill, July 31, 2017
- Group Files Complaint Over Google's Tracking of In-Store Purchases, NBC New York, July 31, 2017
- EPIC files complaint against Google’s new program that tracks your brick-and-mortar purchases, 89.3 KPCC, July 31, 2017
- Google’s new program to track shoppers sparks a federal privacy complaint, Washington Post, July 30, 2017
- The FBI Is Warning Parents About the Risks of Internet-Connected Toys Spying on Kids, Slate, July 19, 2017
- FBI warns of 'connected toy' dangers, Consumer Affairs, July 18, 2017
- When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Share Your Location Using a Smartphone, New York Times, July 12, 2017
- How a Google Home Device Accidentally Stopped a Domestic Dispute, Inverse, July 9, 2017
- FTC Praises FCC's Proposed Robocall Blocking Rule, Law360, July 5, 2017
- Google Gives Up Scanning Personal Gmail, TechNewsWorld, July 1, 2017
- Privacy Rules Apply To Connected Toys, FTC Says, MediaPost, June 29, 2017
- Privacy and Security Concern Auto Industry in Connected Cars, Communications Daily, June 29, 2017
- Security experts warn about doll susceptible to hackers, Boston 25 News, May 30, 2017
- Senator: Regs not protecting kids from spying toys, WND, May 27, 2017
- Senator wants feds to follow up on spying toys, Consumer Affairs, May 25, 2017
- Google Is Secretly Monitoring Your Real-World Purchases, Too, Vanity Fair, May 25, 2017
- AT&T Lauds Blackburn Privacy Approach Toward Comprehensive, Uniform Framework, Communications Daily, May 25, 2017
- Google plans to track credit card spending, BBC News, May 24, 2017
- Google now knows when its users go to the store and buy stuff, Washington Post, May 23, 2017
- Are your kid’s toys spying on them?, Wink news, May 16, 2017
- Meet Aristotle, the robot nanny that can raise (and spy on) your child, Treehugger, May 16, 2017
- Amazon's Alexa will be inside TVs for the first time, USA TODAY, May 16, 2017
- Smart Toys: Smart Or Just Creepy?, Mondaq, May 15, 2017
- ID theft case reveals vulnerability of state's court website, Associated Press, April 13, 2017
- Trump’s Repeal of Internet Privacy Rules Shifts Regulatory Powers to FTC, Morning Consult, April 5, 2017
- Republican Red-Tape Purge May Help AT&T, Comcast Use Data, Bloomberg, March 22, 2017
- Samsung Hit With Privacy Class Action Over Smart TVs, Law360, March 13, 2017
- New WikiLeaks Releases Allege Vast CIA Network, NPR's On Point, March 9, 2017
- Now even the TVs are allegedly spying on you, USA TODAY, March 8, 2017
- Groups Press FCC to Scrap ISP Privacy Rules, Communications Daily, March 8, 2017
- Your privacy: Verizon's takeover of Yahoo is all about user data, Los Angeles Times, February 24, 2017
- Smart toys are a minefield, for both toymakers and parents, CNET, February 24, 2017
- ‘My Friend Cayla’ Doll Records Children’s Speech, Is Vulnerable to Hackers, Snopes, February 24, 2017
- German talking doll accused of spying, Fox Baltimore, February 21, 2017
- The Bright-Eyed Talking Doll That Just Might Be a Spy, New York Times, February 18, 2017
- Banned In Germany: Kids' Doll Is Labeled An Espionage Device, NPR, February 17, 2017
- Facebook Now Shares Exactly Which Brands Know Your Intimate Details, Vocativ, February 17, 2017
- My Friend Cayla dolls could actually be spies, New York Post, February 17, 2017
- That smart doll could be a spy. Parents, smash!, CNET, February 17, 2017
- German Officials Tell Parents To Destroy Doll That Records Conversations, Consumerist, February 17, 2017
- Germans, do you own a Cayla doll? Kill it with fire, The INQUIRER, February 17, 2017
- FTC urged to step up privacy protection for consumers, Consumer Affairs, February 17, 2017
- Consumer Groups Propose 10 Steps FTC Must Take to Ensure Consumer Protection, PR Newswire, February 16, 2017
- Uber's new tracking policy raising privacy concerns, Fox Baltimore, February 15, 2017
- Secure All The Things: AT&T, IBM, Others Form IoT Cybersecurity Alliance, Tom's Hardware, February 9, 2017
- Ramirez Leaves FTC Urging Continued Tech Focus, Bloomberg BNA, February 8, 2017
- http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/ftc-will-consider-spying-toy-privacy-37847/, JDSupra, February 8, 2017
- VIZIO Smart TVs Caught Spying On Customers, VIZIO Selling Viewer Data, Inquisitr, February 7, 2017
- How app makers increasingly track your every move, Christian Science Monitor, February 6, 2017
- Vizio to pay $2.2M on smart TV data gathering, USA TODAY, February 6, 2017
- Pallone blasts push for privacy resolution of disapproval, POLITICO Pro, January 26, 2017
- FTC To Look Into Toys That Spy, Law360, January 13, 2017
- Bid for Access to Amazon Echo Audio in Murder Case Raises Privacy Concerns, New York Times, December 29, 2016
- Alexa, can you help with this murder case?, CNN, December 29, 2016
- Amazon refuses to release Echo data in murder case, UPI, December 29, 2016
- Alexa: Who dunnit?, USA TODAY, December 28, 2016
- Bamboozled: Can these toys spy on your children?, NJ.com, December 23, 2016
- Complaint to FTC: Interactive doll recording children's private conversations, CBS 12 (FL), December 22, 2016
- Amazon, Walmart urged to stop selling "spying" doll, CBS News, December 21, 2016
- This Doll May Be Recording What Children Say, Privacy Groups Charge, NPR, December 21, 2016
- Why privacy advocates are worried about Uber’s security problems, Reveal News, December 21, 2016
- My Friend Cayla Is a Snitch. Ain't That a Bitch?, Jezebel, December 20, 2016
- Privacy groups blast Google policy change, Consumer Affairs, December 20, 2016
- Facebook Accused Of Misleading EU Regulators About WhatsApp, MediaPost, December 20, 2016
- Uber policy change tracking riders could have people on edge, KCCI, December 16, 2016
- When apps collect more data, outrage is powerful -- sometimes, CNET, December 14, 2016
- US senators aren't playing around with smart toys, CNET, December 14, 2016
- U.S. and EU Consumer Groups Ask Global Regulators to Investigate Two Connected Toys, The National Law Review, December 14, 2016
- Uber's new tracking policy: An Improvement or just "invasive?", CBS News, December 12, 2016
- Privacy groups warn these 2 toys pose security risks for your kids, Daily Dot, December 12, 2016
- Web Toys Spied on Children, Privacy Groups Tell FTC, Bloomberg BNA, December 12, 2016
- Privacy Groups Claim These Popular Dolls Spy on Kids, Fortune, December 9, 2016
- Could ‘smart’ toys like ‘My Friend Cayla’ be spying on your children?, Today Show, December 9, 2016
- Internet-connected toys provide joy (and surveillance), Fox News, December 9, 2016
- 'Unprecedented levels of surveillance': Are your kids' toys spying on you?, PennLive.com, December 9, 2016
- Consumer Group Says Talking Dolls are Spying on Your Kids, Law Street, December 9, 2016
- These dolls are spying on your kids, consumer groups say, CNN, December 9, 2016
- Groups Say 'Spy Toys' Don't Play Well With Privacy Regs, Law360, December 8, 2016
- EPIC Recommends Privacy Standards For Automated Vehicles, JDSupra, December 8, 2016
- These Kids' Toys Could Be Spying on Consumers, Complaint Alleges, ATTN, December 8, 2016
- Playtime's over: Internet-connected kids toys 'fail miserably' at privacy, The Register, December 8, 2016
- Talking toys accused of sharing kids' secrets, CNET, December 7, 2016
- Uber is watching your smartphone's battery charge, The Register, December 7, 2016
- Uber’s Location Tracking Aims to Add Safety at the Cost of Privacy, NBC4 Washington, December 7, 2016
- Your kids' toys could be spying on your family, CBS News, December 7, 2016
- FTC Complaint Focuses on Data Privacy of Internet-Connected Toys, Education Week, December 7, 2016
- You should probably still avoid toys that talk with your kids, TechCrunch, December 7, 2016
- WHAT'S APP WITH THIS? Why is Uber tracking passengers’ location after their ride ends and can you opt out?, The Irish Sun, December 7, 2016
- Could your children’s toys be violating their privacy?, The Boston Globe, December 6, 2016
- These Toys Don’t Just Listen To Your Kid; They Send What They Hear To A Defense Contractor, Consumerist, December 6, 2016
- Privacy groups urge investigation of 'internet of toys', CIO, December 6, 2016
- Privacy Groups Take Aim at Internet Toys, Broadcasting & Cable, December 6, 2016
- 'Spy' toys face complaints from EU, US watchdogs, Phys.org, December 6, 2016
- Connected Toys Violate Children's Privacy Law, Advocates Say, MediaPost, December 6, 2016
- Do some toys threaten your child's privacy?, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, December 6, 2016
- Are smart toys spying on children?, New Statesman, December 6, 2016
- Are YOUR kids internet-connected toys being used to spy on them? Claims hi-tech gadgets 'fail to protect privacy', Daily Mail, December 6, 2016
- Talking Toys Could Be Spying On Your Children, Vocativ, December 6, 2016
- Uber is tracking your location even when rides are finished, The Telegraph, December 5, 2016
- Privacy Advocates Want Uber To Stop Tracking Users After Rides End, Buzzfeed News, December 5, 2016
- Uber can now track your location even after you’ve been dropped off and app is closed, The Sun, December 3, 2016
- Uber knows where you go, even after ride is over, Ars Technica, December 2, 2016
- Uber now collecting location data even after you leave a driver’s car, Naked Security, December 1, 2016
- Uber Now Tracks Passengers' Locations Even After They're Dropped Off, NPR, December 1, 2016
- How To Stop Uber From Collecting Your Location Data On iOS And Android Devices, International Business Times, November 30, 2016
- Uber begins background collection of rider location data, TechCrunch, November 29, 2016
- Autonomous Cars Need Strong Privacy Rules, Says EPIC, Law360, November 23, 2016
- UK Watchdog: Facebook To Suspend Use Of WhatsApp Data For Ad Targeting, MediaPost, November 7, 2016
- Digital advertisers battle over online privacy, The Economist, November 3, 2016
- WhatsApp Blasted by EU Data Protection Group Over Facebook Sharing, Threatpost, November 1, 2016
- EU Regulators Warn WhatsApp, Yahoo Over Privacy Missteps, Law360, October 31, 2016
- ISPs must get permission to share Internet users' private browsing history: FCC, Washington Times, October 28, 2016
- New FCC rules impose privacy boost for ISP customers, Naked Security, October 28, 2016
- How to Nudge Your Customers Without Pushing Them Away, Harvard Business Review, October 28, 2016
- Facebook says users can't stop it from using biometric data, Crain's Chicago Business, October 27, 2016
- Is Facebook's Facial-Scanning Technology Invading Your Privacy Rights?, Bloomberg BNA, October 26, 2016
- Mega Mergers Like AT&T-Time Warner are Becoming a Problem for Privacy Regulation, InsideSources, October 26, 2016
- Rep. Pallone Aide Pushes FCC Privacy Rules As Good Step, Law360, October 25, 2016
- Most Americans distrust Facebook and Twitter, use them anyway, The Daily Dot, October 25, 2016
- Top Pallone Aide Stumps For Strong FCC Privacy Rules, Multichannel, October 24, 2016
- 5 Reasons to Use a Mobile Wallet, Consumer Reports, October 16, 2016
- Feds outline new privacy rules for internet providers, Consumer Affairs, October 7, 2016
- EPIC Alleges Google Tried To Secretly Influence FCC Privacy Plan, POLITICO Morning Tech, October 7, 2016
- Spanish Agency To Probe WhatsApp, Facebook Data-Sharing, Law360, October 7, 2016
- Location Tracking and the Trouble With 'Opting In', Advertising Age, October 3, 2016
- Facebook Can't Collect WhatsApp Data: German Regulator, Law360, September 28, 2016
- A Former Verizon Employee Just Admitted to Selling Private Phone Records, Fortune, September 28, 2016
- Germany Orders Facebook to Stop Collecting Data on WhatsApp Users, Threatpost, September 28, 2016
- Driverless Car Privacy, Data Security Vital, Feds Say, Bloomberg BNA, September 28, 2016
- Germany orders Facebook to stop sharing and delete WhatsApp user data, Ars Technica, September 27, 2016
- Germany orders Facebook to stop collecting WhatsApp data, Engadget, September 27, 2016
- Germany orders Facebook to delete records of 35 million WhatsApp users over privacy law violation, Washington Times, September 27, 2016
- Germany Orders Facebook To Stop Collecting WhatsApp User Data, Forbes, September 27, 2016
- Facebook Ordered To Stop Collecting WhatsApp Users' Data In Germany, Tech Times, September 27, 2016
- What did Yahoo know about the huge security breach -- and when?, Consumer Affairs, September 26, 2016
- What did Yahoo know about the huge security breach -- and when?, Consumer Affairs, September 26, 2016
- Ex-Verizon worker accused of selling customer phone records, The Sacramento Bee, September 26, 2016
- Online Services Want Your Birthdate, Creating Security Risk, ABC News, September 24, 2016
- What’s Up With WhatsApp?, Dissent Newswire, September 23, 2016
- FTC chair pressed on Facebook-WhatsApp data practices, POLITICO Pro, September 22, 2016
- Google's new Allo raises privacy concerns, USA TODAY, September 21, 2016
- Google Retreats on Some Allo Privacy Promises, Threatpost, September 21, 2016
- Does it matter that Pokemon knows where you go – and much more about you?, Minnepolis Star Tribune, September 17, 2016
- FTC seeks comment on consumer data disposal, The Hill, September 12, 2016
- Here's how to turn it off, Cosumnes Connection, September 9, 2016
- FTC To Review Facebook-WhatsApp Privacy Concerns, Law360, September 8, 2016
- Facebook's Plan for WhatsApp to Get Close Look from FTC, Fortune, September 8, 2016
- Facebook's acquisition of WhatsApp user data questioned, Consumer Affairs, September 7, 2016
- Privacy and Security in the Age of the Driverless Car, IPWatchdog, September 5, 2016
- Betraying Your Community’s Trust: A Lesson from the WhatsApp Controversy, Small Business Trends, September 1, 2016
- Privacy Watchdogs File Complaint With FTC over WhatsApp’s Privacy Policy Change , Lexology, September 1, 2016
- EPIC, CDD complain to FTC about WhatsApp policy changes, PCWorld, August 30, 2016
- WhatsApp-Facebook User Data Move Incites FTC Complaint, Law360, August 30, 2016
- Privacy Groups File FTC Complaint over WhatsApp Data Sharing with Facebook, Threatpost, August 30, 2016
- Companies wary of WhatsApp privacy issues, New York Post, August 30, 2016
- Election Season Spawns Scams With Political Twist, TechNewsWorld, August 30, 2016
- WhatsApp Sharing Data with Facebook Raises Alarm for Privacy Advocates, ABC News, August 29, 2016
- Facebook Slapped With FTC Complaint Over WhatsApp Data Grab, Motherboard, August 29, 2016
- Facebook’s WhatsApp Privacy Changes Raise EU, U.S. Concerns, Bloomberg BNA, August 29, 2016
- European Regulators Scrutinize WhatsApp Data-Sharing Plan With Facebook, Wall Street Journal, August 29, 2016
- EPIC, CDD file complaint over WhatsApp data sharing, TheHill, August 29, 2016
- Taking a flyer on driverless cars, The Washington Times, August 29, 2016
- EPIC Prepares To File Complaint Over WhatsApp Sharing Data To Facebook, Tech Times, August 28, 2016
- Whatsapp and Facebook data sharing: Privacy group threatens legal action over invasive new terms, The Independent, August 28, 2016
- New Bank Privacy Tool Exposes Opaque, Possibly Illegal Sharing Policies, Motherboard, August 28, 2016
- EPIC, CDD threaten legal action over Facebook, WhatsApp data sharing, SlashGear, August 28, 2016
- Donald Trump's new app has some very shady privacy provisions, Mic, August 27, 2016
- WhatsApp's Facebook Data-Sharing Plan Rouses EPIC , Law 360, August 27, 2016
- Advocates Want FCC to Address Car Hacking Threat, Morning Consult, August 25, 2016
- WhatsApp’s Privacy Cred Just Took a Big Hit, WIRED, August 25, 2016
- Relaxing Privacy Vow, WhatsApp Will Share Some Data With Facebook, New York Times, August 25, 2016
- WhatsApp Will Start Sharing Data, Including Phone Numbers, With Facebook, NPR, August 25, 2016
- WhatsApp Shaves Off a Little More Privacy, E-Commerce Times, August 25, 2016
- WhatsApp privacy backlash: Facebook angers users by harvesting their data, The Guardian, August 25, 2016
- Whatsapp says it will start sharing user info with Facebook, UPI.com, August 25, 2016
- Pokemon hunt leads to glory for Google-born Niantic, Daily Nation, August 15, 2016
- Warning issued over computer hacks that can injure motorists, WND, August 12, 2016
- Pokemon GO CEO linked to Google 'Wi-Spy' privacy scandal, SC Magazine, August 10, 2016
- Privacy Scandal Haunts Pokemon Go’s CEO, The Intercept, August 9, 2016
- Pokemon App Developer Sued for Failed Privacy Protections, JD Supra, August 5, 2016
- Pokémon Go et la CIA, histoire d'une paranoïa, Le Monde, August 2, 2016
- Pokémon GO - Next Stop: Regulation & Litigation, Lexology, August 1, 2016
More top news
EPIC's work on consumer privacy includes the following subject areas:
Internet of Things
"The Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to the capability of everyday devices to connect to other devices and people through the existing Internet infrastructure. This increased connectivity raises a myriad of consumer privacy and data security issues.
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC's Comments to the Federal Trade Commission
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: Samsung 'SmartTVs'
EPIC's complaint concerns the consumer privacy violations of Samsung's "always on" SmartTV.
EPIC's Complaint
February 24, 2015
EPIC's Testimony and Letters
Additional Resources
Internet Privacy, Online Tracking & Big Data
Online tracking continues to grow increasingly complex and pervasive, and it poses a great threat to consumer privacy. Companies are amassing huge volumes of data with little understanding of the consequences and too few safeguards. Too often, the organizations gathering Big Data obtain the benefits, but the individuals bear the costs. This leads to asymmetries of power and new, more subtle means of control. EPIC fights to restore control to consumers over their personal data and to limit corporate abuse of consumer profiling and Big Data.
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC Comments to the Federal Trade Commission
EPIC's Comments to the Dept. of Commerce
EPIC's Comments to the Office of Science and Technology Policy
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: Scholarships.com
EPIC's complaint concerns the business practices of Scholarships.com
EPIC's Complaint
December 12, 2013
In re: Google (Cloud Computing)
EPIC's complaint urged the FTC to open an investigation into Google's Cloud Computing Services -- including Gmail, Google Docs, and Picasa -- to determine "the adequacy of the privacy and security safeguards."
EPIC's Complaint
March 17, 2009
In re: Awarenesstech.com, RemotePCSpy.com, Covert-Spy.com, RemoteSpy.com, and Spy-guide.net
EPIC's Domestic Violence and Privacy Project filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission against several purveyors of stalker spyware.
EPIC's Complaint
March 6, 2008
In re: AskEraser
EPIC's complaint alleges that Ask.com is engaging in unfair and deceptive trade practices concerning AskEraser, a product that purports to protect Internet search privacy.
In re: Google and DoubleClick
EPIC's complaint urged the Commission to open an investigation into the proposed acquisition of DoubleClick by Google, specifically with regard to the ability of Google to record, analyze, track, and profile the activities of Internet users with data that is both personally identifiable and data that is not personally identifiable.
In re: ChoicePoint
EPIC's complaint urged the agency to investigate the compilation and sale of personal dossiers by data brokers such as ChoicePoint.
In re: JetBlue and Acxiom
EPIC's complaint alleges that JetBlue and Acxiom violated federal consumer law when they transferred information on passengers in violation of their own privacy policies.
EPIC's Complaint
September 22, 2003
In re: DoubleClick and Abacus
EPIC's complaint alleges that DoubleClick violated laws prohibiting unfair and deceptive business practices.
EPIC's Complaint
February 10, 2000
Additional Resources
Communications Privacy
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC's Comments to the FCC
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: Verizon Wireless
EPIC's complaint charges that Verizon Wireless has engaged in unfair and deceptive trade practices in violation of consumer protection law.
EPIC's Complaint
October 28, 2011
In re: Intelligent e-Commerce
EPIC's complaint concerns the illegal sale of personal information obtained from telephone carriers.
Additional Resources
Social Media and Apps
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC's Comments to the Federal Trade Commission
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: WhatsApp, Inc.
Concerning WhatsApp's plan to transfer user data, including personal phone numbers, to Facebook.
EPIC's Complaint
August 29, 2016
In re: Facebook (Psychological Study)
EPIC's complaint concerns Facebook's "secretive and non-consensual use of personal information to conduct an ongoing psychological experiment on 700,000 Facebook users, i.e. the company purposefully messed with people's minds."
EPIC's Complaint
July 3, 2014
In re: WhatsApp
EPIC's complaint concerns Facebook's proposed purchase of WhatsApp
In re: Samsung
EPIC's complaint concerns Samsung's Magna Carta App, which collects massive amounts of personal information from users, including location data and data pulled from other accounts and other apps on the users phones.
EPIC's Complaint
July 12, 2013
In re: Snapchat
EPIC's complaint concerns Snapchat, the publisher of a mobile app that encourages user to share intimate photos and videos. The company represents that users can make photos and videos "disappear forever." In fact, the photos can be retrieved by others after they should have vanished.
EPIC's Complaint
May 16, 2013
In re Facebook II (Settings)
EPIC's complaint focuses on the unfair and deceptive trade practices of Facebook with respect to sharing of user information with third-party application developers.
EPIC's Complaint
May 5, 2010
In re: Google Buzz
EPIC's complaint focuses on the unfair and deceptive trade practices of Google with respect to Google's transformation of an email service to a social networking service without offering Gmail users meaningful control over their information or opt-in consent.
In re: Facebook
EPIC's complaint focuses on the unfair and deceptive trade practices of Facebook with respect to sharing of user information with third-party application developers.
Additional Resources
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC's Comments to the FTC
EPIC's Comments to the FCC
EPIC's FTC Complaints
Letter from EPIC Exec. Dir. Marc Rotenberg to FTC Comm'r Christine Varney
Letter urged the FTC to investigate the misuse of personal information by the direct marketing industry
EPIC's Complaint
December 14, 1995
Additional Resources
Data Breach and Identity Theft
Featured Pages
EPIC's Testimony to Congress
Additional Resources
Location Privacy
Featured Pages
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: Uber Privacy Policy
EPIC's complaint charges that Uber's plan to track users and gather contact details is an unlawful and deceptive trade practice.
EPIC's Complaint
June 22, 2015
Additional Resources
Financial Privacy
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC's Comments to the CFPB
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: Experian
EPIC's complaint urged the FTC to investigate the marketing practices of credit reporting agency Experian for broadly disseminating advertising that offers for "free" credit reports, but actually provides an expensive credit monitoring service that individuals must cancel within thirty days.
EPIC's Complaint
September 16, 2003
Additional Resources
Medical Privacy
Since the creation of the Hippocratic oath about 400 B.C., protecting the privacy of patients has been an important part of physicians' code of conduct. Over time, health information has come into use by many organizations and individuals who are not subject to medical ethics codes, including employers, insurers, government program administrators, attorneys and others. As uses of medical information multiplied, so have regulatory protections for this highly sensitive and deeply personal information.
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC Comments to the Dept. of Health and Human Services
Additional Resources
Children's Privacy
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA") specifically protects the privacy of children under the age of 13 by requesting parental consent for the collection or use of any personal information of the users. COPPA was passed in response to a growing awareness of Internet marketing techniques that targeted children and collected their personal information from websites without any parental notification.
Featured Pages
Featured Agency Comments
EPIC's Comments to the FTC
EPIC's FTC Complaints
In re: Genesis Toys and Nuance Communications
Concerning "toys that spy"
EPIC's Complaint
December 22, 2016
In re: Echometrix
EPIC's complaint alleges that Echometrix engages in unfair and deceptive trade practices by representing that the software protects children online while simultaneously collecting and disclosing information about children's online activity.
EPIC's Complaint
September 25, 2009
In re: Amazon.com
EPIC's complaint urged the FTC to investigate Amazon.com for violations of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
EPIC's Complaint
April 22, 2003
Additional Resources
Additional Topics
EPIC's Consumer Privacy Comments
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Communications Commission
Food and Drug Administration
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Department of the Treasury
Department of Commerce
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of the United States Trade Representative
State Agencies
Consumer Privacy Resources
Media Coverage
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